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Calendar of Events Aug. 21

By Staff | Aug 21, 2015


Saturday, Aug. 22: Children three and older are invited to a special “back to school” story time at 11 a.m. in the Library’s Children’s Department. For more information, call Christy Hagerty at the Library at (304) 876-2783, or email splchild@martin.lib.wv.us.

Saturday, Aug. 29: from 10:30 a.m.to 12:30 p.m. author Kevin R. Pawlak will be at the Shepherdstown Library to discuss his new book, Shepherdstown in the Civil War: One Vast

Confederate Hospital.

Children who have completed their reading logs for the Library’s Summer Reading Program may bring them in to receive a coupon book of prizes donated by generous local businesses.

The Friends of the Shepherdstown Library (FOSL) Book Club will not meet in August.


Need to get your cat or dog spayed or neutered? Contact Spay Today, our area’s non-profit, reduced-price spay and neuter program. At the time of surgery, initial shots and tests can also be obtained at lower rates. Choose from MANY vets over a WIDE area! NEW vets added! Contact Spay Today: www.baacs.org or 304-728-8330.

Intermediate Bridge players are invited to join an informal group meeting every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Chapel. All are welcome and walk-ins are encouraged. For more information, contact 304-876-6244.

The Shepherdstown Museum, at the corner of German and Princess streets, is open on weekends from April through October, on July 4, and during Christmas in Shepherdstown. Public hours are: Saturdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Visits can be arranged at other times by calling 304-876-0910 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Business owners, managers and other movers and shakers are invited to partake in the Shepherdstown Mysteries Walk at 7 p.m. on Saturdays. Join Dana Mitchell in front of the Shepherdstown Library and experience her Mysteries Walk. Walk the backstreets and hear of forgotten history, local legends and lore, unrequited love and murder, and of course ghostly tales. Call Dana at 240-593-2317 for further information.

The Potomac Valley Audubon Society Charity Art Bazaar continues at the Bridge Gallery in Shepherdstown (Rt 230) through Sunday Aug. 23.. Hours are 11-5 on Thursday and Friday, 12 to 6 on Saturday, and 12 to 3 on Sunday. We want to sell everything. Prices are reduced substantially. There are lots of treasures to be had – paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures, ceramics, antiques, fabric, embroidery, and art books.


Crystal Bowl Concert, noon-12:40 p.m. Ann Craig performs an extraordinary “sound meditation” using eight quartz crystal bowls that fill the Harmony studio with an energetic yet peaceful vibration that soothes and aligns mind, body and soul. Participants can sit in chairs or lie on mats. Donations gratefully accepted. Harmony, 211 E. New St.

Aug. 22

Dharma Yoga Workshops, Saturday, August 22, Level 3, 12-2 p.m. Dharma yoga is based on the teachings of yoga master, Sri Dharma Mittra, creator of the master yoga chart of 908 poses and founder of the first independent yoga studio in America. Level 3 is for advanced students, those with at least 2 years of experience or 1 year of practicing multiple times a week. Cost: $20. To register, contact Gena Rockwell at 304 582 4830 or wvmarigold@aol.com. Harmony, 211 E. New St.

Aug. 23

All descendants of John Jacob Link and their families and friends are invited to attend the 63rd annual Link family reunion at St. James Lutheran Church, Uvilla. The traditional potluck family picnic will be held under the pavilion at St. James at 1 p.m. Bring food dishes to share. Beverages and dinnerware will be provided. There will be activities for the children. The Link Reunion family photo will be taken after the meal. The Link Family Cookbook will be available for purchase $15 each. Visit the Descendants of John Jacob Link web site at www.linkreunion.org for more information or to contact committee members by e-mail.

Aug. 26

Dog Daze Meditation Class-Free, 1:30-2:30 p.m. A meditation practice for all levels led by Lucy Jenkins. Harmony, 211 E. New St.

Aug. 27

Dog Daze Naam Yoga Class-Free. 9:15-10:15 a.m. Be the “heart of a lion” in this special yoga class led by Diana Brubaker at Harmony. 211 E. New St., Shepherdstown.

Aug. 28

Release & Reunite: A Soul Dance Journey with Diana Brubaker, 6-8pm-FREE. It’s a dance party like no other! Come release the stress of the week in an emotionally whimsical journey of the soul through dance movement, mindfulness, and music. We will reunite our connection to the unified field using a combination of modern and classic pop culture music paired with elements of healing and five rhythms. Come prepared to sweat it out, and let go into the flow. No previous dance experience required. Harmony, 211 E. New St.

Sept. 2

Dog Daze Meditation Class-Free, Wednesday, September 2, 1:30-2:30 p.m. A meditation practice for all levels led by Lucy Jenkins. Harmony, 211 E. New St.

Sept. 3

Dog Daze Naam Yoga Class-Free. 9:15-10:15 a.m. Explore pranayama (breath control), asanas (yoga postures), and Kriya (cleansing practices) in this special yoga class led by Diana Brubaker at Harmony. 211 E. New St.

Sept. 4

Crystal Bowl Concert, 6-6:40 p.m. Ann Craig performs an extraordinary “sound meditation” using eight quartz crystal bowls that fill the Harmony studio with an energetic yet peaceful vibration that soothes and aligns mind, body and soul. Participants can sit in chairs or lie on mats. Donations gratefully accepted. Harmony, 211 E. New St.

Sept. 5

The Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County will host their annual Indoor Yard Sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Zion Episcopal Church Parish House in Charles Town, 221 East Washington St. Come check out the large variety of items and help less fortunate cats and dogs in our area. All proceeds will benefit the homeless pets waiting for adoption at the Animal Welfare Society shelter on Leetown Pike, near the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. The AWS shelter is open Wednesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to – 4 p.m.

Sept. 7

Shepherdstown Community Club annual Labor Day Picnic at Morgan’s Grove Park from 2-5 p.m., featuring The Rohrersville Band. Hot Dogs, hamburgers and beverages sold by the SCC. Please bring a dish to share, especially desserts & salads.

Sept. 8

Beginner square dance classes: If you can walk, you can dance this is the most fun exercise you can do. Taught by a professional square dance caller/instructor with 35 plus years’ experience. Location Eagle Intermediate School, 730 Eagle School Road, Martinsburg. Call Ron at 304-876-1130 or 304-268-7619 for more information.

Try an afternoon renewal with Tai Chi at Renew Yoga, Studio 91-D, Saratoga Drive, Charles Town from 1:30 to 3 p.m. and each Tuesday thereafter. Relaxed movements, improved balance and increased fitness can follow Tai Chi practice. To register call Jefferson Board of Education 304-728-9237. For content questions call Eldon at 304-264-4783.

Sept. 12

An all you can eat pancake breakfast/brunch will be held at New Street United Methodist Church on from 7:30 a.m. to noon. The church is located at the corner of New and Church streets. Head to the dining hall in the lower level for pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, sausage gravy, applesauce, juice, coffee or tea. Cost is $8 for adults and $5 for children 4-12. Carryout is available.

Sept. 19

To commemorate the 153rd anniversary of the Battle of Shepherdstown, the Shepherdstown Battlefield Preservation Association Inc. (SBPA) will hold a tour of the site of the 1862 Battle of Shepherdstown led by a Civil War historian. The tour will begin, rain or shine, at 2 p.m.and will last about 2 1/2 hours. The tour will include wading the Potomac River at Boteler’s Ford (optional), a hike through the historic Cement Mill property, and a hike of about 1 mile through the battlefield. The tour will also include a demonstration of Civil War drills by members of the Shepherdstown Living History Society. The demonstration will take place during a BBQ serving hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, beer, wine and soft drinks. SBPA asks for a donation of $30 for the tour and BBQ. Tickets and directions for the battlefield tour are available on SBPA’s website at: www.battleofshepherdstown.org.