Calendar of Events Dec. 18
CLOSED Thursday, Dec. 24 through Friday, Jan. 1: No fines will be charged for overdue items returned in our book drop while the Shepherdstown Library is closed! We will reopen on Friday, Jan. 2, at 10 a.m.
Borrow a Kindle Touch: There are three now available in the Children’s Department pre-loaded with Young Adult titles: classics, or new and popular books, or award-winners. There are nineteen Kindles you may borrow in the Adult Department. (Titles you select from our online catalog may be ‘delivered’ to your Kindle; please ask about our borrower requirements.)
Saturday, Jan. 2: No fines will be charged for overdue items returned while the Library is open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Jan, 12 and Wednesday, Jan. 13: Our free weekly story times for infants through age twelve will resume in January: “Lap Babies” (birth to 18 months) will meet Tuesdays from 10:15 to 11 a.m. beginning January 12. “Time for Twos” will be on Tuesdays from 11:15 to noon, also starting the 12th. Wednesdays from 11:15 to noon is the “Three to Fives” program, which begins January 13. The “After School Program” for ages five and older will be held Wednesdays from 4 to 4:45 and begins January 13. Call (304) 876-2783, email or visit the Library at 100 East German Street for more information.
Monday, Jan. 18: The Library will be open from 10 to 7, and will offer a display of children’s books about civil rights from January 15 through 18 to celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Saturday, Jan. 23: Children three and older are invited to a “Snowy Day Story Time” with songs, stories, and a craft at 11 a.m. in the Library’s Children’s Department.
Friday, Jan. 29: The Friends of the Shepherdstown Library (FOSL) Book Club will discuss The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier at 4 p.m. in the Library. The author asks: “a runaway slave appears in the farmyard of a young Quaker from England. What does she do?”
Friday, Jan. 29: The Shepherdstown Film Society will have its season-opening reception at the War Memorial Building at 5:30 p.m., followed by a free film at 7 p.m. in Reynolds Hall: the sci-fi romance Her.
Saturday, Jan. 30: At 11 a.m. in the Library’s Children’s Department, stories and activities about bears will be offered for ages four and older, during the “Outdoors in the Library” monthly series sponsored by the Potomac Valley Audubon Society (PVAS).
Saturday, Jan. 30 and Sunday, Jan. 31: The Rumsey Radio Hour will be presented at 2 and 8 p.m. on Saturday the 30th and at 2 p.m. on Sunday the 31st. (Beer and wine will be available at a “talk back” with the cast after Saturday evening’s show.) This FOSL (Friends of the Shepherdstown Library) fundraiser is an old-style radio program that will be performed live onstage at Shepherd’s Marinoff Theater (62 West Campus Drive). For tickets, which help support the Library’s programs, go to or stop by the Library, and for details call (304) 876-2783 or visit
Need to get your cat or dog spayed or neutered? Contact Spay Today, our area’s non-profit, reduced-price spay and neuter program. At the time of surgery, initial shots and tests can also be obtained at lower rates. Choose from MANY vets over a WIDE area! NEW vets added! Contact Spay Today: or 304-728-8330.
Intermediate Bridge players are invited to join an informal group meeting every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Trinity Episcopal Chapel. All are welcome and walk-ins are encouraged. For more information, contact 304-876-6244.
The Shepherdstown Museum, at the corner of German and Princess streets, is open on weekends from April through October, on July 4, and during Christmas in Shepherdstown. Public hours are: Saturdays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Visits can be arranged at other times by calling 304-876-0910 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
The Bridge Gallery is opening a special Holiday Exhibit featuring new paintings by Seth Hill, a Clarksburg, West Virginia artist, and Rebecca Grace Jones from Shepherdstown. The exhibit runs from Dec. 5 until Jan. 3 with an opening reception for the artists on Saturday, Dec. 5 from 5- 7:30 p.m. Also on display will be work by gallery artists James Kline, Benita Keller, David Zimmerman and special guest Mary Jo Kennard along with ceramics by Sycamore Pottery and Joy Bridy. For additional information call 304-876-2300.
Crystal Bowl Concert, 12-12:40 p.m. Ann Craig performs an extraordinary “sound meditation” using eight quartz crystal bowls that fill the Harmony studio with an energetic yet peaceful vibration that soothes and aligns mind, body and soul. Participants can sit in chairs or lie on mats. Donations gratefully accepted. Harmony, 211 E. New St.
Dec. 22
12-12:40 p.m. Ann Craig performs an extraordinary “sound meditation” using eight quartz crystal bowls that fill the Harmony studio with an energetic yet peaceful vibration that soothes and aligns mind, body and soul. Participants can sit in chairs or lie on mats. Donations gratefully accepted. Harmony, 211 E. New St.
Dec. 23
Renaissance Christmas Concert, 8 p.m. Tina Chancey (longtime director) of HESPERUS joins with Niccolo Seligmann and Brian Kay from DIVISIO, a Baltimore-based group mixing Early music and Early magic designed to drive the cold winter away. Together the three musicians play more than a dozen early and traditional instruments from oud to viol and kamenj to tar,combined in a program that ranges through 4 centuries in Europe and the Middle East, that will energize and delight you. At St. Peters Lutheran Church at 110 N. King St. in Shepherdstown. Admission is $22 adults, $20 seniors and $18 members and $10 for students. For more information call Joanie at (304) 263-2531 or email Advance tickets will be available from O’Hurleys General Store or by mail.
Jan. 2
January Contra Dances: Will Mentor calls lively contra dances to the fine music of the Stringrays, with Rodney Miller on fiddle, Max Newman on guitar and mandolin and Stuart Kenny on banjo and bass. at the Shepherdstown War Memorial Building. Beginners workshop at 7:30 p.m., dance starts at 8 p.m. All levels welcome, no partners needed. Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the floor. Potluck snacks at the break. Admission is $12 adults, $8 SMD members, $5 dancers under 12 years old. For information contact Becky at (304) 870-4118 or see the web page at .
Jan. 3
A Bingo Bash will be held at the Jefferson County Community center as a benefit for the upcoming July 4 fireworks celebration. Doors open at 12:30 and bingo starts at 2 p.m. Cost is $30 per person. Door prizes, tips and concessions available.
Jan. 8-10
Upper Potomac Fiddle Retreat: Join some of our finest local fiddlers and special guests for a weekend featuring over 30 different workshops for fiddle, hammered dulcimer, mandolin, piano, and mixed instruments, and dance band classes in a variety of styles in historic Shepherdstown on the campus of Shepherd University. Weekend’s staff includes: Emerald Rae (Scottish, English), Mary Lea ( English), Pascal Gemme (French Canadian), David Kaynor (New England), Alan Jabbour ( Appalachian), Danny Knicely (bluegrass, swing, and old-time mandolin and fiddle), Peter Barnes (Dance Band, piano), Ken Kolodner (hammered dulcimer accompaniment) and Paul Oorts (mandolin and mixed-instrument band classes). Friday night features a showcase concert; Saturday night has a contra dance with the weekend’s open band led by our instructors as well as jam sessions nearby. For information see or call Joanie Blanton (304) 263-2531 or email
Fiddle Summit: This annual concert presents some of the finest fiddlers from a variety of traditions with some extraordinary accompaniment. Featured artists include national Scottish fiddle champion Emerald Rae, Pascal Gemme, the driving force behind the French Canadian supergroup Genticorum, David Kaynor, known for his solid New England style and graceful Scandinavian fiddling, bluegrass and old-time fiddler and mandolinist Danny Kniceley, 6-time WV fiddle champion, Jake Krack, Ken Kolodner on dulcimer and fiddle, the fine flair of English country dance music from Peter Barnes (piano, flute) and Mary Lea and Paul Oorts. Together, this incredible line-up promises to bring a night of enchantment to all who love the folk violin. Co-sponsored with Upper Potomac Fiddle Retreat. Jam session to follow. At the Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church. Admission is $20 adults, $18 seniors, $15 SMD members, $10 students. For more information call Joanie at (304) 263-2531 or email
Jan. 9
David Kaynor calls to the immense “wall of sound” from the Fiddle Retreat Open Band led by David Kaynor, Pascal Gemme, Mary Lea, Peter Barnes and more. *No beginner’s workshop.
All levels welcome, no partners needed. Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the floor. Potluck snacks at the break. Admission is $12 adults, $8 SMD members, $5 dancers under 12 years old. For information contact Becky at (304) 870-4118 or see the web page at .
Jan. 16
Squeeze the Bag! 8p.m. Four kinds of bagpipes will be featured in this showcase concert, including the tiny Northumbrian pipes of England with Ian Lawther, the uilleann pipes, performed by, Cillian Valleley, joined together with flutist Kevin Crawford, and fiddler, Colin Farrell who form the heart of the supergroup Lunasa. The Scottish section of the concert will feature pipers Mike MacNintch, Nick Hudson, and EJ Jones along with his accompanist, bouzouki player Frances Cunningham all tied together by our host piper, Bob Mitchell and more, in a set of music from the highlands and border regions of Scotland and Cape Breton on both Scottish smallpipes and Border pipes.The concert will take place at Shepherd University’s Reynolds Hall. Admission: $20 adults, $18 seniors, $15 SMD members, $10 students. For more information call the Upper Potomac office at 304.263.2531 or email