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Local athletes to be subjects of new, international study

SHEPHERDSTOWN -- Shepherd University's athletes will soon be some of the subjects of a new study being conducted by Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy researchers. According to Ann Liebert, who is the coordinator of photomolecular research at Sydney Adventist Hospital in Australia, the research ...

Librarians teaches patrons how to protect themselves online

SHEPHERDSTOWN — The Shepherdstown Public Library put together a digital literacy class on Wednesday, where guests had the opportunity to learn how to protect themselves online. People in the community could come and learn more about the current dangers on the internet and talk about simple ...

Town Recorder resigns after seven months in office

SHEPHERDSTOWN — The Town Recorder for the Corporation of Shepherdstown resigned from office on Jan. 30, after serving seven months in the role and, prior to that, four years on the Town Council. Chris Stroech, who has practiced law in the Eastern Panhandle for 20 years and is the owner of ...