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Reformed Church welcomes world-renowned musician

By Staff | Jan 2, 2009

Dorothy Papandakos

Dorothy Papadakos, who for 13 years served as the organist at the world’s largest gothic cathedral, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC, will play for Epiphany Vespers at Christ Reformed Church, Shepherdstown, on Tuesday, Jan. 6, at 7 p.m.

Ms. Papadakos holds a master’s degree in organ performance from the Julliard School of Music and has a considerable background as a jazz musician and composer. She is noted for her ability to play stirring improvisations based on melodies encountered in the hymns and liturgical music of a service.

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Christ Church continues its long tradition of lifting up the Festival of the Epiphany, the church’s celebration of the visit of the Magi to the infant Christ child. The evening begins with a 6 p.m. high tea, a light supper, in the church’s undercroft. At 7 p.m. the assembly moves into the quiet sacred space of the nave, adorned with seasonal greenery and candlelight, for sung Vespers. Following Vespers all are invited to return to the undercroft for fellowship, dessert, and an opportunity to meet the visiting artist.

Christ Reformed Church is located at 304 E. German St. in Shepherdstown.