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Published Jan. 9, 2009

By Staff | Jan 13, 2009

Sunday, December 21

3:30 p.m. Shift change report. Eight speeding tickets were issued. One ticket was given for an expired motor vehicle registration. One ticket was given for no proof of insurance and one ticket was given for a not haveing a driver liecence on person.

Friday, December 26

11 p.m. King Street. Traffic control. Stationary radar at King and German streets.

Saturday, December 27

3 a.m. Office. Complete paperwork.

3:30 p.m. Shift change report. Issued one speeding ticket, one ticket for no proof of insurance, one ticket for one no motor vehicle registration present, one ticket for an expired motor vehicle registration. Issued two tickets for running a stop sign and one ticket for failure to yield at a crosswalk.

Sunday, December 28

12 a.m. Church Street. Complaint. Loud music complaint.

6 p.m. Shepherd Grade Road. Motor vehicle accident. Cruser accident. Car 9.

10 p.m. Town patrol.

Monday, December 29

3 p.m. Office. Complaint. Check vehicle indentification number verification on two vehicles.

Tuesday, December 30

4 p.m. Campus Police. Assisted campus police with a destruction of property call at “The Little House.”

11:30 p.m. Boat ramp. Complaint. Suspicious activity. One citation issued for possession of marijuana.

Friday, January 2

11:30 p.m. German Street. Complaint. Assisted other units with a DUI subject.

Sunday, January 4

3:00 p.m. Office. Shift report. Issued seven speeding tickets and 10 residential parking violations.

– Compiled by James P. Whipple/Chronicle staff