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Men’s Club opens doors this Sunday

By Staff | Mar 27, 2009

Wilson Webb, one of Shepherdstown’s “Friday Painters” selects a painting to hang in his one-man exhibit as part of the decorations for the Shepherdstown Men’s Club (SMC) Open House. The club is sprucing up the War Memorial Building to welcome guests and members for its “at home” on Sunday afternoon, March 29, from 4 to 6 p.m.

President Mike Austin explains that it is an effort to acquaint more of the community with the excellent facilities that the SMC shares with the community. He commented that “this wonderful old building has been serving the town and its nearby communities since 1868, first as a Methodist Episcopal Church and since 1947 as the Men’s Club. We are working hard to preserve it and to exploit its location in the center of town as an important part of our social and economic infrastructure.” The SMC also owns Morgan’s Grove part which it leases to Jefferson County to augment its recreational facilities.

The club encourages as many of its members as possible to participate in the open house and help acquaint others in the community with opportunities it provides to enjoy the fellowship of a wide spectrum of Shepherdstown’s very interesting and talented people. Austin added that “We probably focus too much on the historic building and its amenities and not enough on our members themselves. They really represent the unique and intrinsic value of the organization. The club’s name is really a misnomer since women play such a prominent role.” Several board members commented that changing the name has long been a persistent item on board meeting agendas. Despite many hours of intense discussion over the years they have failed to come up with a better sobriquet for the club.

Wilson Webb is an accomplished painter who exhibits widely in the region and has long been a stalwart in the Friday Painters. According to those that know him, Wilson’s devotion to his art is only exceeded by his willingness to encourage others to pursue their artistic interests. In addition to his skill as a painter, Mr. Webb is a master carpenter and designer. He was instrumental in helping the Men’s Club improve its capability to display art works and more recently played a similar role in helping Cress Creek Country Club enhance its art exhibit capability.

Besides enjoying Wilson Webb’s paintings and partaking of refreshments, interested open house visitors will be able to discuss specific aspects of managing the club’s activities with SMC board members. Members of other Shepherdstown organizations and the business community are also being encouraged to attend and play an active role in a discussion of shared community interests.