Farmers Market returns
The Shepherdstown Farmers’ Market (SFMA) features fresh farm products from local farmers and vendors. The market provides local growers with an outlet to sell their produce directly to their neighbors and also to visitors to the town. During the market season, the SFMA will host a number of musical performances and will also create other special events to make the market more fun for everyone.
The year, the Farmers’ Market will start at 9 a.m. on Sunday, April 5. As a special consideration for Easter, the farmers will again have the market open the next Saturday, April 11, so that
everyone will have an opportunity to purchase fresh eggs, meat, vegetables, baked goods, herbs and chocolate for their Easter Sunday meal.
There will also be flowers, bedding plants and frozen foods available as well. After Easter Sunday, the market will continue as a Sunday event from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. throughout the spring, summer and fall.
The following vendors will be returning again this year:
– Blueberry Hill: Michael James – certified organic produce
– Bon Vivant Chocolates and Bakery- Melissa and Rich Asaro – breads, chocolates, pies
– Cocina Rivas- Salsa, other Mexican foods and fruit juices
– Fresh and Local CSA- Allan and Maura Balliett – eggs, meat, produce, goat cheese
– Hand of Fatima – Gregorio Lacerda- Brazilian foods
– Middleway Farms – Daniel and Joslyn Noland – bedding plants, vegetables, plants, perennials, houseplants, herbs
– New Hope Farm- Erland and Reiko Smith produce, gladiolas
– Peace in The Valley Herb Farm- Jim Foltz – herbs, vegetables plants, produce, herbal tinctures
– Peace of Cake- Amy Williams- baked goods
– Ridgefield Farm and Orchard-Alan Gibson and Scott Beard- fruit, produce, berries, pies, honey, apple products, live trees, evergreen wreaths
– Rohrer’s Meats- Danny Rohrer-meats, eggs, produce, fruit, baked goods, cheese
– Pam Simmons- Baked goods
– The Cottage of Herbs- Inge Ledden – herbal teas, vinegars, seasonings, soup mix
– Tomahawk Gardens- Steve and Joyce Kues- annuals, vegetable plants, perennials, shrubs and trees
– Tudor Hall Farm Market- Bill Grantham – eggs, produce,meats, bread
– Uvilla Orchard- Paul Elliott- fruits, produce, eggs
– Megan Webber- annuals, perennials, vegetable plants, herbs, cut flowers, evergreen wreaths
There will also be a new vendor this year, Neil Super from Earth Choice Products, who will be selling rain barrels and local maple syrup.
Please be a part of making the Farmers’ Market a success by frequenting the market, starting with this Sunday, April 5. Remember, getting fresh, local food is not only delicious, it is also good for your health and the health of our local economy.
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