Council set to vote in new chief

By Daniel Friend
Chronicle staff
The Town Council is expected to vote Tuesday on the Police Committee’s recommendation of a new town chief of police.
During its regular monthly meeting, slated for 6:30 p.m. April 14 at Town Hall, 104 N. King St., the Council is expected to vote to accept or reject the committee’s choice.
Police Sgt. Tim Johnson has served as acting chief since former chief Terry Bellomy left the department in January to take another law enforcement job. The town has received 10 applications for the chief post, which was advertised at a salary up to $54,000.
Also on the agenda for Tuesday are public hearings on several proposed fee increases. The Council will give its first readings on the ordinance changes required to raise fees. The final vote on the increase proposals comes after a second reading and required public hearing for each.
A proposed garbage rate increase of 7 percent is up for a Council vote.
A sewer service rate increase of 20 percent is proposed.
The penalty for removing a boot – a device locked to the wheel of a car whose owner has a backlog of unpaid parking tickets – is expected to rise from $50 to $100.