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Seeking models of Shepherdstown buildings

By Staff | Apr 10, 2009

I am writing to present to the public my need for items of interest for The Scarborough Society Eight annual Gala.

These items are semi-large wooden models of historic Shepherdstown buildings that were displayed in The Keith Knost Shop, a previous shop on German Street of Shepherdstown. These models were given to the Shepherdstown Men’s Club several years ago.

If you have any knowledge of the location of these models, it would be greatly appreciated if you would be willing to lend these models to The Scarborough Society.

The Gala is a very important occasion and these models will only add to the enjoyment of the event. I am only asking to borrow these models for the event, and I will personally return them after the Gala is over.

Any information I can receive on the models would be most appreciated. Please contact me, Sara Lueck at (304) 876-6204 with any information.

Sara Lueck
