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Thanks from FOSL!

By Staff | Apr 24, 2009

One of the best things about living in a small town is the strong sense of community. As president of the board of Friends of Shepherdstown Library, it’s been my honor to be involved with this vibrant and energetic group of volunteers. On Friday, April 3, FOSL and many other library supporters came together for Left of the Bank, our annual evening of poetry and music, which is held at “Casa Carlos.” We raised almost $5,000 for the library!

So many people and businesses helped us make this evening successful that it’s impossible to list them all. Many FOSL volunteers helped with donations of food, beer, wine and coffee and many more made cash donations. Some of the donors include Michael Lippe, Mary Clare Eros, John Schley, Ed and Kitty Kelly, the Cranes, Elinor Ross, Carol Blessing, Neryl and Bill Gentry, Martin Burke, Jennifer Ewing-Allen, Richard and Joan Lyon, Mark Wirt and Traci Morris, Alice Barkus, and Georgia McElhaney. BB&T also made a generous contribution.

Edwinna Bernat put together the program with Ed Zahniser. Edwinna also organized food donations from area businesses and worked with Carlos and Liz in setting up the tables and chairs and arranging furniture. Of course we couldn’t have had the performances without Carlos and Liz allowing us the use of their home.

Board members Winnie McGarty, Dave Singer, Agnes Freund, Bonnie Sitman, Vicki Smith and Adam Booth energetically gave their time and talents in organizing the entertainment. Grapes and Grains, 3 Onions, and Shaharazade’s Exotic Tea Room donated food.

The performers were top rate and entertaining and deserve standing ovations for their efforts. Ed Zahniser, Collin Luibl, Hope Maxwell-Snyder, Ethan Fischer, Lakita Edwards and Bill Marshall (sans bird) came through like champs! Don Oehser and Hugh Johnson made the evening memorable with their musical abilities.

Thanks again to everyone who was involved in this effort. FOSL and the library are truly grateful for your support.

Don’t forget the used book sale is Saturday and Sunday, April 25 & 26!

Fran Brolle

President, FOSL