‘Gone to the dogs’ gets bags of treats

The premium pet food store My Friend’s Bowl, of Shepherdstown, and Russell Armstrong of “National Animal Nutrition” have offered to donate a free bag of Verus dog food and treats in coupon form for the first 100 people who will be attending this Sunday’s family picnic, “Shepherdstown Has Gone To The Dogs.”
The Shepherdstown Visitors Center will be hosting TheFirst Annual Shepherdstown Has Gone to the Dogs Family Picnic, On Sunday, July 12, 2009, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Morgan’s Grove Park (off W.Va. 480 south of Shepherdstown. There will be food, music and prizes
– Bring a picture of your dog and enter our dog photo contest to see if your dog can win a prize. First place willwin the prestigious Shepherdstown Has Gone to the Dogs Award. The First Place Winner will hold this coveted prizefor one year at which time they must turn it over to next year’s FirstPlace Winner.
– Meet Charlotte the Wonder Dog, and her owner author D.C. Gallant. Receive a signed copy of Ms. Gallant’s latest book.
– Run your dog through an obstacle course and have your dog win a special treat at the finish line Dog treats will be provided by the “Sweet Shop” of Shepherdstown.
– Joinin astory circle and sharea funny storyabout your dog.
– The Ticket Cost is$10 for adults and $5 for children under 10.
These proceeds will go to benefitthe Shepherdstown Visitors Center.
If you would like to pre-register for the dog photo contest, please send a picture of your dog along with a check made out to “Shepherdstown Visitors Center” and mail your check to: Shepherdstown Visitors Center, P.O. Box 329, Shepherdstown, WV 25443
All pre-registered contestants will have their dog’s picture on display at the Shepherdstown Visitors Center until the day of the picnic.