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Town to eye Labor Day picnic plans

By Staff | Aug 7, 2009

Town Hall, 104 N. King St.

The Shepherdstown Town Council’s regular monthly meeting is slated for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Town Hall, 104 N. King St.

Among the items up for discussion is a proposal by the Rotary Club of Shepherdstown to host a Labor Day community picnic at the Rumsey Monument Park off North Mill Street.

Shepherdstown Mayor Jim Auxer said some Mill Street residents are concerned about plans to have live bands and alcohol sales and conumption during the 3 to 8 p.m., Sept. 5, celebration.

“Nobody will be permitted to walk out of the contained area … with an open container of beer,” writes Rotarian Carl V. Moore in his letter of request to the Council to permit alcohol sales and consumption. “Shepherdstown Police officers will be hired to walk through the park area during our event and help our volunteers with any out-of-the ordinary behaviour that may occur.”

The Rotary Club recently hosted a day-long Fourth of July celebration at the park and has mounted a major clean-up and maintenance effort there.

The meeting agenda also shows a recommendation from the town’s Parks & Recreation Committee to provide $200 in town funds for the rental of lighting equipment to be used at Rumsey Park.