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Books sought for sale

By Staff | Aug 14, 2009

Ruth McQuade and Mike Austin at the Men’s Club’s War Memorial Building. Photo by Michael Theis

The Shepherdstown Men’s Club is seeking books, CDs and videos, for its annual book sale, which will be held the weekend of Oct. 23-25 at the War Memorial Building on German Street. Books of all kinds are being sought-fiction and nonfiction.

This includes hard and paperback books. There is a particular desire for children’s books. However, encyclopedias, text books, computer manuals and magazines will not be accepted.

Proceeds will be used to support the programs of the Men’s Club specifically the maintenance of the War Memorial Building and upkeep of Morgan’s Grove Park.?

The Men’s Club will provide drop off and/or pick up arrangements to persons who wish to donate books now. To donate books, call (304) 876-3323 and use option No. 3 to leave a recorded message. You will then be contacted to arrange a pickup of the books. Donors can also hold on to their books for the time being and then bring them to the War Memorial Building any morning the week before the sale (between 9 a.m. and noon on Monday, Oct. 19 through Friday, Oct. 23).

Book Sale Chairperson, Ruth A. McQuade, said that: “This continues a very important tradition by the Men’s Club which we hope will be even better and bigger than years before.” Since the Men’s Club is a nonprofit organization donors will receive documentation for their charitable contributions.

McQuade added that the Men’s Club is seeking additional volunteers who desire to help with the collection of books and the sale itself. She can be reached at (304) 876-6619.