Labor Day picnic slated next week
The Shepherdstown community is invited to the annual Labor Day Picnic, sponsored by the Shepherdstown Men’s Club on Monday afternoon, Sept. 7, at Morgan’s Grove Park.
Activities will begin at 2 p.m. The picnic has become a traditional community wide event. The picnic is held in the covered pavilion area, so even rainy weather poses no problem. Men’s Club volunteers provide hamburgers, hot dogs, soft drinks and ice cream, all at nominal prices. Picnickers are encouraged to bring their own side dishes for themselves or to share, along with individual table service items, including utensils. The tables will be covered.
County Commissioner Lyn Widmyer will speak briefly, beginning at 3:30 p.m., followed at 4 p.m. by the rousing music of the Rohersville Band. Hailing from nearby Rohersville, Maryland. The Band, a long-time favorite, is a traditional part of the Labor Day picnic. They have been in continuous existence since 1837 and is one of the oldest in the country.
The park is owned by the Shepherdstown Men’s Club and operated by Jefferson County Parks and Recreation. The proceeds from the sale of food and drinks goes toward the maintenance of the park and the War Memorial Building.