Really, Really … it’s free!
Shepherdstown residents that walked past McMurran Hall on Saturday may have noticed what looked like a yardsale set up on the wall. However, it was not a yardsale, but the Really Really Free Market, a community sharing space where all can gather to share objects, food, and ideas for free.
“We are doing it as a way to recycle items within the community. We hope it will also help build a community and interaction with one another,” said Brandon Nesmith, one of the organizers of the event. People don’t need to bring stuff to take stuff, nor do they have to take stuff to bring stuff he added.
Robby Glenn and Nesmith started the Really Really Free Market about a year ago. “I got the idea from a website called ComeThink,” said Glenn. Glenn and Nesmith have also been involved with Food Not Drugs, an organization in Hagersotwn, MD that gives out free food. “We thought why do we have to limit [ The Really Really Free Market] to just food,” said Nesmith. They added onto the idea of giving out free food by adding items and ideas to the Really Really Free Market.
The name Really Really Free Market is a play on the idea of a free market. “We poke fun at free markets because they are deceptive, they aren’t really free,” said Glenn. He added that the Really Really Free Market is the only market that dosen’t crash.
On Saturday the market had mostly clothng and other objects, but Glenn is hopeful to start getting people to share their ideas and knowledge. At one of the Really Really Free Markets held previously a woman came and taught browsers how to embroider. “So many people have skills that many people would like to learn. We want to start having more ideas shared here, not just items,” said Nesmith.
Although they didn’t have any ideas being shared on Saturday, the market had plently of items to browse through for those who stopped by. There were clothes, books, stereos, and even an Xbox amoung the items laid out on the wall. Nesmith mentioned that one time they had a Nintendo 64.
The market has gotten a lot bigger since it began last year. “We had at least 20 people waiting on us to set up [ on Saturday],” said Glenn. The long-term plan Glenn and Nesmith have is to organize the Really Really Free Market enough itmes that eventually every Saturday people just start bringing stuff themselves without them having to organize a formal event.
The plan is to hold at least five markets this semester before it gets too cold outside. The free market is scheduled for Sept. 26 in front of McMurran Hall.