Directed by Shepherd University’s Dr. Robert Willgoos (History) and Dr. Joyce Webb (Communications); Produced by Jerry Bayer & Dan Lutz."/>
Directed by Shepherd University’s Dr. Robert Willgoos (History) and Dr. Joyce Webb (Communications); Produced by Jerry Bayer & Dan Lutz."/> Local actor plays Brown in ‘Anvil’ | News, Sports, Jobs - Shepherdstown Chronicle
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Local actor plays Brown in ‘Anvil’

By Staff | Sep 18, 2009

Shepherdstown's Joe Yates as John Brown

“The Anvil,” a two-act dramatization of the trial of abolitionist John Brown, is based on the record of the trial, the writings of John Brown, and eyewitness reports. With a talented cast of local citizens, led by Joe Yates of Shepherdstown as Brown, this stirring courtroom drama will once again bring history to life in the Jefferson County Courthouse where Brown was tried in 1859.

Directed by Shepherd University’s Dr. Robert Willgoos (History) and Dr. Joyce Webb (Communications); Produced by Jerry Bayer & Dan Lutz.

Jefferson County Courthouse; Corner of George & Washington Streets; Charles Town

7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 18 & 19;

2 p.m. Sunday September 20

Tickets: Ages over 60 and under 20: $10

Ages 21-59: $15 (graphic scenes language; not recommended for young children)

Tickets on sale at

Charles Town and Harpers Ferry Visitors Centers

Charles Town and Bolivar-Harpers Ferry Libraries

Charles Town Museum

The Anvil Restaurant

Roberts Jewelers of Martinsburg,

Or call (304) 876-1825