Historic Shepherdstown sets public workshop for Oct. 10
The Historic Shepherdstown Commission and Museum invites both teachers and members of the public to attend a special day of lectures and activities, “Using the Shepherdstown Historic Museum as a Teaching Tool” on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Entler Hotel, German and Princess Streets.
“We want to make both teachers and the public more aware of all that the Historic Shepherdstown Museum has to offer in teaching important historic periods in American history,” comments Dr. Donna Northouse, coordinator of the day’s events. “Once you step over the threshold of the beautifully restored Entler Hotel, you get a real sense of what living in the nineteenth century looked like. Learning history doesn’t get much better than this.”
Jefferson County teachers of all grade levels will receive six hours of staff development credit for attending the workshop, as listed on the district’s website. There will be two sessions: 9 – 11:30 a.m. (Colonial and Revolutionary periods) and 12:30 – 3 p.m. (Civil War and its aftermath, including the impact on the Black community).
The workshop will feature local historians Douglas Perks, Director of the Charles Town Public Library and Assistant Curator of the Jefferson County Museum, and James Surkamp, Jefferson County Commissioner. In addition, Shepherd University student Ashley Hoffman will do a dramatic presentation of the lives of Jefferson County women during the Civil War.
The Museum’s rooms and historic items will be used to connect Jefferson County to broader historical events. Teachers will receive packets of background information and ideas for student activities.
The workshop is made possible by a generous grant from the West Virginia Humanities Council.
Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-serve basis by contacting Donna Northouse, (304) 876-8177 or claytonfinebooks@gmail.com.
Autumn Social set
HSC invites the entire community to its AnnualAutumn Social on Oct. 3 from 6 to 9 p.m.
Come learn who made the it into the Historic Men of Shepherdstown Calendar. Back by popular demand: Barbecue Supper by Antietam Ironworks and Square Dancing.
Tickets are $40 per person.
RSVP by Sept. 30 to Historic Shepherdstown Commission,
P.O. Box 1786, Shepherdstown, WV 25443. Or call 876-0910.