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November is Home Health Care Month. It’s an excellent option for skilled care.

By Staff | Nov 6, 2009

When you are sick, where would you rather be treated? Most of us would prefer the security and comfort of our own home. More than 11 million Americans agree with you, which is why WVU Hospitals-East Home Health Care is celebrating National Home Care Month this November.

Home Health Care provides an excellent option when patients are in need of skilled care after discharge from a health care facility. Home Care saves the United States and commercial health insurers billions of health care dollars each year. There is no more cost-effective provider of health care in our country.

When your mother, father, sister, brother or neighbor are struggling with a disability, dealing with an illness, rehabilitating from an accident, or surgical procedure, home care professional caregivers are the answer. WVUH-East Home Health Care works diligently to keep the residents of Berkeley and Jefferson Counties in their homes to receive their medical care.

As we prepare for Thanksgiving and recall our many gifts, please remember the home health care professionals in our community who make a difference every day for our loved ones that require the care of a nurse, therapist, nutritionist or home care aide to recover from an illness or injury.

The WVUH-East Home Health Care staff makes it possible for the healing to begin in the home. On behalf of WVUH-East, I am honored to be a part of the solution, and to work with such excellent health care professionals.

Judith Hockman, RN, BSN, MSN

Director of Outpatient Clinical Services

WVU Hospitals-East