2009 Men’s Club Book Sale proves successful
We have closed the books on the annual Men’s Club Book Sale, which, as usual, turned out to be much more than just a community fund raiser to keep the lights on in the War Memorial Building.
Although the $4,500 that we raised is extremely important, it was the process of working with volunteers (many of whom) were not even SMC members) to engage the community that made it a memorable and very enjoyable effort.
Despite the exponential growth and application of technology that is transforming how we communicate with each other, it is evident that traditional hard copy books will long endure.
The evident generosity, even in these hard times was exceptional. Donations came from all quarters: from a Hispanic market in Charles Town, from individuals and businesses in Sharpsburg and Keedysville, from professionals, blue collar workers, and farmers, and from elder members of the community faced with the painful process of downsizing. Of course books weren’t the only ingredient that made it a memorable weekend. On Saturday, the critical day of the sale the smell of musty books gave way to the savory odor of numerous kettles of soup wafting and baked goods wafting down from the kitchen.
Many of the books were snapped up by used book dealers from the Panhandle and adjoining states lured to Shepherdstown by internet advertisements and notices. Most of them simply went to members of the community “looking for a good read” or adding to their personal libraries. Shepherd University students were also much in evidence.
On Sunday afternoon after the sale, the remaining books were picked up by The Journal for their own charitable programs.
But for me, the lasting memory that made it all worthwhile was to catch a glimpse of a little boy sitting quietly cross-legged under a table out of harm’s way reading a book.
Mike Austin,
SMC President