Local woman Extension Educator of the Year

Judy Matlick, right, receiving award from NEAFCS President Judith Breland
The National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences honored WVU Jefferson County Extension Agent, Judy Matlick, as their Extension Educator of the Year at their 2009 annual session, “Celebrating Our Heritage, Embracing Our Future.”
She received the National and Eastern Region Maytag Extension Educator of the Year awards at the conference held recently in Birmingham, Alabama.
In receiving the award, Mrs. Matlick was recognized for constantly working to accomplish the Extension goal to help the citizens of Jefferson County and West Virginia “put knowledge to work.”
The NEAFCS Extension Educator of the Year award, sponsored by Maytag Appliances, recognizes a professional Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Educator who is conducting outstanding educational programs that demonstrate impact on families.
Mrs. Matlick previously received the Distinguished Service Award, Continued Excellence Award, and numerous other awards.
She is involved in continued professional improvement activities and is active in professional organizations. Maytag Appliances sponsors the award.
Judy Matlick’s commitment to meeting the needs of individuals, families and communities is exemplary.
Mrs. Matlick has served Jefferson County and West Virginia as a WVU Extension Agent for 31 years.