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The Local Web

By Staff | Dec 4, 2009

The Thomas Shepherd Inn is located at German and King streets in Shepherdstown. Photo by Michael Theis/Chronicle

Who: InnSIGHTS, the official blog of the Thomas Shepherd Inn, written by innkeepers Jeannie Muir and Jim Ford. (Jim Ford is also a Shepherdstown Town Council member.)

What: A local events and tourism blog designed to get far-flung travellers to rest their heads at the Thomas Shepherd Inn. While it is the blog of a business, InnSIGHTS goes beyond merely just selling rooms. It updates a few times each month, usually to preview local events and provide information on season attractions.

There are also recipes from the innkeepers cookbook, reviews of local restaurants and an enlightening series of posts about the travels of the innkeepers.

Muir and Ford have maintained this blog for more than three years, so it has a lot of content for a new visitor to sort through.

Where: www.ThomasShepherdInn.blogspot.com

– Michael Theis