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Don’t forget about the SDC Re-Wrap event

By Staff | Dec 11, 2009

As a follow up to last week’s article, the Shepherdstown Day Care is continuing to accept donations through Dec. 15th of gently used items for the Re-Wrap event to be held at the day care for the parents and staff of the day care. Shepherdstown Day Care is a unique non-profit day care that offers affordable care by offering tuition on a sliding scale. To help meet the needs of our parents and staff at Christmas time, we reach out to the community, asking only for used toys, clothes, and book for infant through teenage. See if you have any previously loved items in your home that you could share with a child this holiday season. This is our last call for donations!

Donations will be accepted at SHEPHERDSTOWN DAY CARE, located on East German St past the train station, Mon-Fri 7am-5:30pm. Donations are also accepted at ONE, TWO, KANGAROO (www.onetwokangaroo.com) downtown Shepherdstown during normal business hours. Contact Katie Goldsmith at 304-886-1205 if you need to make special arrangements.

– For more information on the day care center, please visit us online at http://www.shepherdstowndaycare.org This community has always been very supportive of the Shepherdstown Day Care and we thank you for your generosity! Happy Holidays!