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Floodplain law advances

By Staff | Dec 11, 2009

The Shepherdstown floodplain ordinance has been revised. The new law replaces all of the previous ordinance and lays out the regulatory framework for construction in town floodplains and a procedures for collecting insurance or recovery money should a flood damage homes in the floodplain.

Shepherdstown’s floodplain is located in certain areas east of the Town Run. A map of the floodplain is available at Town Hall, 104 N. King St.

The ordinance only applies to new construction projects in the floodplain or additions to existing structures whose projected construction costs are more than half of the value of the existing structure. Certain provisions of the ordinance come into effect if a property owner attempts to collect damages or disaster recovery money.

The Town Run has flooded before. In 1934 a two hour torrent dropped almost four inches of water, flooding all of lower High, New, German, and parts of Mill streets before running down Princess Street to the river.