Historic Men calendar available for purchase
Historic Shepherdstown & Museum’s “Historic Men of Shepherdstown Community Calendar” is available for purchase.
This calendar is more than just a bunch of “pretty faces.” This is truly a community calendar. (But the “Pretty Faces” don’t hurt!)
Find out what is going on in Shepherdstown in 2010. Event dates from non-profits and community organizations are included. Some of these organizations are highlighted through their mission statements.
Get your copy by calling Historic Shepherdstown at (304) 876-0910or emailing us at hsc86@citlink.net
Calendars can also be orderedfrom our website www.historicshepherdstown.com using PayPal.
Calendars sell for $15
Shipping $5
Historic Shepherdstown Commission, Inc.
PO Box 1786
Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443
Call (304) 876-0910 for more information.