Walt Pellish announces Commission bid

Walt Pellish
Walt Pellish announced his candidacy for County Commissioner for the Shepherdstown District. A retired executive of US Silica Company in Berkeley Springs, Pellish directed Human Resource Management and Labor Relations for over 1000 employees in 13 states for over 30 years.
“I chose to run for Commissioner because I believe I can significantly contribute to improving the lives of all Jefferson County residents,” said Pellish, a Republican. “My business management experience, particularly my people management skills, will help foster teamwork and cooperation.”
As a commissioner, Pellish will work to improve the quality of life with a sensible and balanced approach, he said.
“I believe that the need for local jobs and the desire to preserve open space can be accomplished simultaneously. We can attract clean, high tech businesses here as we build upon our tourism industry by promoting the arts, entertainment, recreation, and cultural history of Jefferson County. This area has so much to offer and we have only scratched the surface on its potential. I believe we can do more.”
Pellish currently serves on the boards of The Gateway New Economy Council and WVU-East City Hospital Foundation. He has also served on the United Way Board of Directors and The Jefferson County Senior Center board.
Pellish was one of the founding members of the Jefferson County Schools Education Foundation. Appointed by Governor Joe Manchin III, he serves on the West Virginia Industrial Council, which deals with the administration of workers compensation.
Pellish and his wife Susan have lived in Shepherdstown for 10 years.
– Learn more: www.WaltPellish.com, Walt@WaltPellish.com
(304) 261-2427.