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We can get our 180 days of instruction in schools by eliminating IS days, some holidays

By Staff | Feb 19, 2010

Every year, the state of West Virginia seems to get into its uncertainty of how the school system will manage to meet the mandatory 180 day school term for students.

It always goes back to the weather as Mother Nature provides us with the beautiful scenery as only she can provide.

The state always considers either starting the school year earlier or extending the school term later but never considers a viable solution.

The IS days could be eliminated. Spring Break could be elimiated since we used to only have off Good Friday and the Monday after Easter. More school delays or early dismissals could be implemented instead of just cancelling an entire day. At least some education would be provided on these days instead of none.

Roads and Highways are in better condition than they used to be and the Dept. of Highways has more and better equipment than they used to have. There are more Dept. of Highways Employees than there once was as well.

My Dad drove a school bus for many years in Berkeley County. I remember going with him to the bus garage in Gerrardstown as he and Roy Benner put chains on the wheels of their buses in order to travel in the inclement weather so that the students on their “runs” would be provided safe transportation to and from school. When needed, all of the drivers did this for the benefit of all of us.

This is the problem with our country today. Instead of facing the situation head-on, many want to put the responsibility of handling everyday life on someone else.

Charles L. Hopkins Sr.
