Scarborough Society set Newseum trip

Inside Tim Russert’s Office, a new exhibit at the Newseum Tim Russert in his office (Courtesy Erin Fogarty Owen)
Shepherdstown’s proximity to Washington D.C. makes for some convenient opportunities to experience culture.
On June 3 Shepherd University’s own Scarborough Society plans to do just that.
The society plans to travel by bus to one of the newsy attractions in downtown D.C., the Newseum.
Phyllis Smock, a member and volunteer of the society, said that the group chose the Newseum because it is one of the latest installments on the National Mall and that many of the members were interested in seeing it.
The Scarborough Society began as Friends of the Scarborough Library on Shepherd University’s campus. Their goal: To be able to strengthen and support the library system through membership as well as provide technical service and enhance the library’s collection.
For the past six years, an annual trip helped them in their goals, and after last year’s trip to the new U.S Capitol Visitor Center, it was time to choose another trip full of culture and education.
The 2010 trip to the Newseum is open to society members and the general public.
The public can pay a flat rate of $75 which includes bus fare, an admission ticket, and lunch at the museum. Shepherd students may go for $35. All reservations must be made through Smock at (304) 264-0560 by May 11.
The bus will leave from the library at 9:30 a.m. and return to Shepherdstown at roughly 6 p.m. Lunch will be at the Newseum’s eating establishment and food there is provided by Wolfgang Puck’s catering service.
As well as world- renowned food, society members John Splaine and Rich Foster plan on doing special presentations for the museum as well as giving time for people to explore the ins and outs of the place.
The establishment houses displays of history, technology, and many interactive exhibits. Like any museum there are permanent galleries as well as seasonal ones such as those that will be there in June: “Tim Russert’s News Office,” “G-Men and Journalists,” “First Dogs: Presidential Pets,” and “Elvis! His Groundbreaking, Hip- Shaking, Newsmaking Story.”
“I have yet to visit myself but I’m looking forward to the exhibits I think a lot feature the media and outreach to the community at large,” Smock said.
Scarborough Society members also encourage the public and Shepherd students to join them on a membership level with students only paying $10 to be members.
– For more information about the Newseum visit