Candidates’ voting history varies

Clockwise from top left: Shepherdstown Mayor Arthur James “Jim” Auxer III (I), Recorder Lori Robertson (I), Town Council Candidates Wanda Grantham Smith (I), Josh Stella, Bane Schill and David Rosen. There are no contested races, and an additional Town Council seat will have to be filled by appointment. (Incumbent indicated by “I”)
The upcoming election features two Town Council candidates, Bane Schill and David Rosen, who will be voting in a Shepherdstown election for the first time in their lives, according to voter records on file with the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office. Council candidate Josh Stella and incumbent Recorder Lori Robertson, seeking re-election, will be voting in their second municipal election, having both cast municipal ballots in 2008.
The most active voters on this year’s incomplete municipal electoral slate are incumbent Mayor Jim Auxer and incumbent Town Councilwoman Wanda Grantham-Smith.
Schill, despite living in Shepherdstown since March of 1996, will be voting for the first time in a local municipal election. Schill did cast ballots in the 1996 and 1998 general elections before taking a nine-year hiatus from voting. Then, in June of 2007, Schill cast a ballot in the June 2007 table games referendum, which was defeated. He then proceeded to vote in the 2008 general and primary elections and last December’s successful table games referendum.
Curiously, he also cast a ballot in last November’s controversial zoning referendum, despite being a physical resident of Shepherdstown. Schill explains that he did not register to vote in Shepherdstown until this year. Prior to that, he says he was registered under an address in Middleway. He still owns a home in Middleway, where his daughter lives, but says that his permanent residence has always been in Shepherdstown.
This will also be Town Council hopeful David Rosen’s first time voting in a municipal election since moving to Shepherdstown in October 2007. Rosen did not vote in the June 2008 municipal election. Rosen has however voted in the ’04 primary and general elections, the ’06 general election and the 2008 primary and general elections, and the 2009 table games referendum.
Incumbent Recorder Robertson has voted in only the 2008 municipal election since moving to Shepherdstown in January of 2006. She did not cast a ballot in the June 2006 municipal election. She also voted in the 2008 national primary and general elections.
Stella, a seven-year resident of Shepherdstown, cast his first municipal ballot in 2008. He also cast ballots in the 2004 and 2006 general elections, the 2007 table games referendum, and the 2008 primary and general elections.
Incumbent Mayor Jim Auxer has voted in four of the five municipal elections since the year 2000, missing the 2004 election. Mayor Auxer has also voted in 11 other elections, including all state and national primary and general elections since the year 2000 as well as the 2007 and 2009 table game referendums.
Incumbent Town Councilwoman Wanda Grantham Smith is the most active voter on the slate, having cast a ballot in 20 elections since 1996, the furthest back which county voter records are maintained. Records show that she has voted in every municipal election since the year 2000, but did not cast a ballot in the 2004 municipal election. Records also show that she has voted in every primary and general election since 1996.
Candidates’ voting history varies

Clockwise from top left: Shepherdstown Mayor Arthur James “Jim” Auxer III (I), Recorder Lori Robertson (I), Town Council Candidates Wanda Grantham Smith (I), Josh Stella, Bane Schill and David Rosen. There are no contested races, and an additional Town Council seat will have to be filled by appointment. (Incumbent indicated by “I”)
The upcoming election features two Town Council candidates, Bane Schill and David Rosen, who will be voting in a Shepherdstown election for the first time in their lives, according to voter records on file with the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office. Council candidate Josh Stella and incumbent Recorder Lori Robertson, seeking re-election, will be voting in their second municipal election, having both cast municipal ballots in 2008.
The most active voters on this year’s incomplete municipal electoral slate are incumbent Mayor Jim Auxer and incumbent Town Councilwoman Wanda Grantham-Smith.
Schill, despite living in Shepherdstown since March of 1996, will be voting for the first time in a local municipal election. Schill did cast ballots in the 1996 and 1998 general elections before taking a nine-year hiatus from voting. Then, in June of 2007, Schill cast a ballot in the June 2007 table games referendum, which was defeated. He then proceeded to vote in the 2008 general and primary elections and last December’s successful table games referendum.
Curiously, he also cast a ballot in last November’s controversial zoning referendum, despite being a physical resident of Shepherdstown. Schill explains that he did not register to vote in Shepherdstown until this year. Prior to that, he says he was registered under an address in Middleway. He still owns a home in Middleway, where his daughter lives, but says that his permanent residence has always been in Shepherdstown.
This will also be Town Council hopeful David Rosen’s first time voting in a municipal election since moving to Shepherdstown in October 2007. Rosen did not vote in the June 2008 municipal election. Rosen has however voted in the ’04 primary and general elections, the ’06 general election and the 2008 primary and general elections, and the 2009 table games referendum.
Incumbent Recorder Robertson has voted in only the 2008 municipal election since moving to Shepherdstown in January of 2006. She did not cast a ballot in the June 2006 municipal election. She also voted in the 2008 national primary and general elections.
Stella, a seven-year resident of Shepherdstown, cast his first municipal ballot in 2008. He also cast ballots in the 2004 and 2006 general elections, the 2007 table games referendum, and the 2008 primary and general elections.
Incumbent Mayor Jim Auxer has voted in four of the five municipal elections since the year 2000, missing the 2004 election. Mayor Auxer has also voted in 11 other elections, including all state and national primary and general elections since the year 2000 as well as the 2007 and 2009 table game referendums.
Incumbent Town Councilwoman Wanda Grantham Smith is the most active voter on the slate, having cast a ballot in 20 elections since 1996, the furthest back which county voter records are maintained. Records show that she has voted in every municipal election since the year 2000, but did not cast a ballot in the 2004 municipal election. Records also show that she has voted in every primary and general election since 1996.