Town Hall plans on hold for now

By Michael Theis
Chronicle staff
The Town Council, in special session on Tuesday, postponed a vote to award a contract to build the new Town Hall. Officials are still in discussions with the two low bidding contractors, Hagerstown, Md., based Callas Contractors and Brechbill and Helman Construction.
Callas submitted the lowest bid, coming in at a projected $857,000. Brechbill and Helman Construction’s bid came in at $962,000. According to municipal financial documents, Shepherdstown has already paid $71,200 of the Town Hall construction budget, leaving a balance of only $937,000 to spend on construction. Discussions of the particulars of the competing bids were held behind closed doors. Mayor Jim Auxer requested the Town Council enter executive session after architect Andy Singletary distributed what he termed a “super secret budget” for the project to the Town Council. The secret budget was to be used to guide further contract negotiations with the two competing contractors.
The Town Council will meet in special session again next Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the bids. Singletary hopes to have a recommendation for the Town Council by that point.
Standing committee
members appointed
The Town Council, also in special session, appointed members to the four standing committees; Finance, Personnel, Police and Public Works.
Mayor Jim Auxer, as set out in municipal law, is a member of each of the standing committees. Joining him on the Finance Committee are Josh Stella and Bane Schill, on the Personnel Committee Auxer is joined by Councilwomen Lori Robertson and Wanda Smith and Councilman David Rosen. On the Police Committee Auxer is joined by Robertson, Smith and Councilman David Springer. The Public Works Committee is made up of Auxer, Shill and Springer.
The appointments for the five other non-standing committees are still up in the air, as Town Clerk Amy Boyd reports that an error in the appointment process resulted in several committees being over-staffed.