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Give cans, cars for cats & canines

By Staff | Jul 30, 2010

CHARLES TOWN – Spay Today and the Briggs Animal Adoption Center will now accept vehicle donations and aluminum cans from the public.

Vehicles being accepted include cars, trucks, boats, campers, motorcycles and tractors. The vehicles can be in working or non-working condition. Pick up is available.

Spay Today and the BAAC are programs of the National Humane Education Society, a nonprofit organization. Tax deductions can be claimed from donations made.

The Briggs Animal Adoption Center (BAAC) and its sister program, Spay Today, have established The Spay Today & Briggs Animal Adoption Center Community Development Board. Shepherdstown’s Anne Small is chairwoman of the Board, and Christine Parfitt, also of Shepherdstown, is vice chairwoman. Small also is a founder of Spay Today.

“All donations across the board are down, I think, with all non-profits,” said Anne Small, noting organizations are coming up with more creative ways to raise money.

Donated vehicles will be used to help further the programs’ missions. Spay Today offers reduced-cost spaying and neutering, and the BAAC provides adoption services for cats and dogs. Donors may specify whether funds from their donations for Spay Today or to the Briggs Animal Adoption Center.

All rinsed aluminum cans, including those for cat food, are accepted. Donors may leave cans at the center Wednesday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The BAAC is located at 3731 Berryville Pike (U.S. 340 across from Smith’s vegetable stand) just south of Charles Town. Proceeds from can collection go to Spay Today.

To donate a vehicle or learn more about these programs, anyone who is interested in more information can call (304) 724-6558.