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‘Testimony of the Rocks’ tours set at Elmwood

By Staff | Aug 6, 2010

The annual Testimony of the Rocks Tour at Elmwood Cemetery is slated Aug. 14 & 21.

The Elmwood Cemetery Board of Directors is pleased to announce the annual “Testimony of the Rocks” Tour. This year the board is offering two tours. The first tour is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 14 at 10:30 a.m. The second tour is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 21 at 6:30 p.m. The same information will be offered at each tour, so if you can’t make one, plan to take the other.

As in years past the tours will be led by Shepherdstown Historian Laureate Dr. Jim Price. He will be assisted this year by local historians Steve French and Doug Perks. Together the three will give graveside accounts of men and women about whom they have written and spoken. As usual, Dr. Price will offer a few colorful side notes about some of these departed.

The cost of the tour is $10 per person. All proceeds will go toward the upkeep of historic Elmwood Cemetery. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and your walking shoes. Gnats are bothersome this time of year, so bring along your favorite remedy.