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Picnics planned

By Staff | Aug 27, 2010

SHEPHERDSTOWN – The Shepherdstown Parks and Recreation Committee wants ideas from residents on how to use the town’s parks.

The idea to seek input from the public on the use of the parks came during a brainstorming session at Tuesday’s Parks and Recreation Committee meeting.

During this brainstorming session, committee members hit upon the idea of scheduling regular community picnics in Shepherdstown’s parks. The idea is to draw local residents to the parks to raise awareness of local recreational resources.

A tentative date of Oct. 24 has been set for the first picnic, but committee members still have to organize the event. Committee member Lou Tierno hopes to have details finalized by next month’s meeting.

Members batted around ideas for funding and programming at the community picnics. The events probably would be simple in scale, featuring grilled foods and music played over a boom box.

The committee is interested in hearing from anyone who may be able to donate food or services to the picnic project. E-mail Town Clerk Amy Boyd at the following: clerk@shepherdstown.us to volunteer.