National Public Lands Day 2010 is Sept. 25
National Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest hands-on volunteer effort to improve and enhance the public lands Americans enjoy.
In 2009, 150,000 volunteers built trails and bridges, removed trash and invasive plants, planted trees and restored our water resources.
NPLD 2010 celebrates service and recreation on public lands while educating volunteers about the effects of climate change on our parks. NPLD engages a diverse audience of adult and youth volunteers to get outdoors and improve their lands, whether at the grandest national park or at an urban park in their neighborhood.
NPLD inspires a new generation of volunteers committed to service on public lands.
The event also encourages volunteers to explore and enjoy America’s natural wonders through outdoor recreation. After working hard, volunteers can take a hike, a swim, a bicycle ride and get healthy in America’s backyard.
Events are scheduled at several local National Parks.
At Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, NLPD 2010 will be observed from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Lower Town District.
Volunteers will work hand-in-hand with park rangers on a trail clean-up project. Guided hikes rated easy to challenging will be offered. Everyone is invited to enjoy the breathtaking views of the town and park while helping to keep the trails clean. Contact the visitor center for additional information.
NLPD 2010 at Harpers Ferry NHP are sponsored by park partners Harpers Ferry Main Street, a member of the National Trust For Historic Preservation, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and Potomac Appalachian Trail Conference.
Fees: $6 per vehicle for three days or $4 per person on foot or bicycle.
For more information, contact the visitor center at or at 304-535-6029.
At Antietam National Battlefield outside Sharpsburg, Md., volunteers are needed at the battlefield to participate in a vegetation restoration project from 9 a.m. to noon. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
Volunteers will prepare the area for planting and then plant up to 2,000 native plants. Park staff will show volunteers what to do and provide the necessary equipment. All volunteers need is a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Volunteers are to bring a water bottle and wear sturdy shoes or boots. Leather work gloves are highly recommended.
Rain date is Saturday, Oct. 2.
Contact Debbie Cohen at 301-432-2243 for additional information.
At Monocacy National Battlefield, about three miles south of Frederick, Md., volunteers will work hand-in-hand with park rangers to assist with a cleanup along the Monocacy River, which will primarily consist of debris and invasive plants from 9 a.m. to noon. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
Visitors are asked to bring their own work gloves and to wear appropriate clothes for the river cleanup and a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
For additional information about this event, please call the visitor center.
Also, Monocacy National Battlefield will conduct historic farm field pruning on NPLD 2010.
Volunteers will work hand-in-hand with park rangers to assist with tree line maintenance on the historic Worthington Farm.
The first 100 registered volunteers will receive a coupon that will admit them to the park of their choice for free.
All volunteers are required to attend a safety briefing at 9 a.m. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and work will continue to noon.
Visitors are asked to dress for field work, wear trousers, long sleeves and boots. Please bring your own work gloves. Drinking water will be provided.
For additional information about these events, please call the visitor center at 301-662-3515.