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New breast cancer support group forming

By Staff | Sep 17, 2010

SHEPHERDSTOWN – A new breast cancer support group is starting in Shepherdstown and its first meeting will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Entler Hotel at the corner of German and Princess streets.

This free service is available to all breast cancer survivors, friends and families. The format is designed to allow people to share information about procedures, products, treatments, what works for them and what doesn’t work for them.

Discovering you have breast cancer can be traumatic. Talking to others going through the same experience can be soothing.

No matter at what point you are in your treatment, sharing with this group will be helpful for yourself and for others.

The Shepherdstown group will be the third support group Joan Fell has established. Each group serves a different geographical area, but operating much the same way.

Getting together with others and discussing the challenges helps the healing process. Knowing that there is help is comforting.

Since 1989, Breast Cancer Awareness Cumberland Valley Inc. has offered a wide range of free services, including “Moving Forward After Surgery ” comfort kits; the 230-page treatment handbook; Hopeline with trained peer counselors to talk to newly diagnosed; wigs, care kits, hats and turbans; Cuddl Duds camisoles for radiation patients; bras and prostheses for mastectomy patients; Camp Hope, a day spa for survivors; Dinner’s Ready gift cards for grocery stores to help prepare meals; and BCACV Angels, who send out cards of hope.

BCACV also offers a free mammogram program for people who meet their program guidelines.

“A devoted group of volunteers host a variety of fundraisers throughout the year (to fund the program),” Fell explained. “October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many events are happening, like Cyclocross at Fort Ritchie, Md., Ride the Trail to a Cure in the Michaux Forest, Pa., Little Pink Box Tea at Fountain Head County Club, Hagerstown, and so many more. Please visit the web site for more details at www.bcacv.org

Additionally, BCACV will host the 21st annual Step n Stride Against Breast Cancer Walk at Hagerstown Community College on Oct. 23.

For more information, contact Fell at bcavalley@myactv.net or at 301-791-5843.