Shepherdstown Town Council considers issues
The Shepherdstown Town Council met on Tuesday.
Neal Martineau discussed his concern regarding the urban growth boundary. There will be a planning commission meeting to which the community and county representatives will be invited. The time and location are to be determined.
Patrinka Kelch has made an offer to purchase Rocky Street, an offer she originally made in the mid-1990s with two other individuals. She wishes to maintain the pristine area, preventing further developments and reduce trespassing on her property.
Moshen Sadeghzadeh, who owns the liquor store on Princess Street, appealed to the council to lower the cost of his store’s liquor license. He had researched other small towns in West Virginia and found their fees to be significantly less. After hearing the data, the council agreed to further investigate and report back to Sadeghzadeh.
The second reading of an ordinance enacting Section 3-204 of title 3 of the code of Shepherdstown, relating to the Retail Liquor License, was not voted on because of the owner’s appeal. This second reading will be postponed until the next council meeting.
The public reading of the ordinance authorizing the acquisition and construction of certain additions, betterments and improvements to the existing public sewerage facilities was the third and final reading. All councilmen were in favor.
Gary Engrebretson has been reappointed to the Water Board.
Progress on the new town hall was reported. The footers are finished.
The Christmas parade is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 4.
The entire council shared their gratitude towards two active volunteers who have recently submitted their resignations. Pam Berry, who is moving, will resign from her post as president of the Planning Commission. Jerry Bock has resigned from the Water Board due to a personal reason.