Briefly Shepherdstown for Nov. 5
Local artwork now on display
The Bridge Gallery presents a show of local landscape paintings by artists Thomas Miller and David Zimmerman. The show runs until Nov. 14. For more information, visit
Church to host a celebration
On Nov. 7, Mountain View Church of the Brethren will celebrate its 70th year in the church building. The Rev. Oliver Custer will speak about the early history of the church and former Pastor Leroy Baker will share his memories. Worship starts at 10:45 a.m. and there will be a covered dish meal after the service.
All are welcome. The church is located at 2345 Middle Way Pike, Bunker Hill.
For more information, please call 304-229-3505.
‘Reggae’ show
to take stage
Charles Town Tap House presents the live music show “Reggae Got The Blues” with Paul Pfau, Lenny Kurlou and The Arkives. Show starts at 9:30 p.m. Charles Town Tap House is located at 107 Keyes Ferry Road. For more information, call 304-728-1001.
‘A Christmas
Carol’ slated
Full Circle Theater Company will present “A Christmas Carol,” Charles Dicken’s beloved tale of humanity, love and redemption. The holidays are fast approaching, and seats go quickly so call or go online to reserve tickets. Performances are Nov. 26 to Dec. 5 Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30. Tickets are $17 for adults and $8 for students.
Call 304-268-7798 or visit for more information.
Symposium on tap for Nov. 9
Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce is calling all business leaders to the 29th Annual High School-Business Symposium. This will be held at the Quality Hotel in Harper’s Ferry 9 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. on Nov. 9.
To register call 304-725-2055 or email
Watercolor to be on display
Local watercolor artist, Karen Davison will have her work on display in the South Jefferson Public Library at 49 Church Street, in Summit Point. She began her study of watercolor in Shepherdstown in 1994 under the artist Robin Young has studied under others since then. She has developed her own style and techniques. Davison’s work has been on display in many locations and won several awards.
For more information, please visit the website
Fundraisers set
at train station
“Deers and Beers” Fundraiser Dinner and call for art submission. Appalachian Art for Appalachian Families (AAAF) is based in Shepherdstown. It’s mission is to stand with families of Southern West Virginia and pool its resources to help ensure clean water and healthy safe homes. This month they want to raise enough money to buy water testing kits.
They have two fund raisers planned. Both will be held at the Shepherdstown Train Station. The next event is set for 7 p.m. Nov. 20. The cost of the dinner is $25 and 100 percent will go to the fundraiser. The dinner will feature locally brewed beers and wild game.
Artists sought for exhibit
Fri. Nov. 19 there will be an art exhibit. They are calling for all art mediums. Any arts and crafts must be submitted by Nov. 15. Artists will receive 50 percent of the sale, 10 percent to the organization for costs and 40 percent to the fundraiser.
Bat discussion set for Nov. 10
WVDNR biologist Craig Stihler will discuss bats in West Virginia at 7 p.m. Nov. 10. He will also talk about their current challenge of White Nose syndrome, a fungal infection that is ravaging bat populations. Stihler has worked for WVDNR for over 30 years and has headed its endangered species conservation efforts since 1987.
The presentation is free and open to the public. It is part of a monthly series of “Conservation & Community” put on by NCTC.
For more information call Mark Madison at 304-876-7276.
Fall gala on
tap for Nov. 13
Harper’s Ferry Historic Town Foundation is hosting the Journey Back Fall Gala. This event will be held at 8 p.m. Nov. 13 at the old Harper’s Ferry Sons of Jonadab Meeting Hall, 970 Washington St.
The evening will include music, dancing, cash bar, dessetrts, storytelling, book signings, wine tastings, coffee cupping, auction and early Christmas shopping from local vendors.
The cost of $50 includes two admission tickets and a membership in the Harper’s Ferry Historic Town Foundation. Proceeds will benefit the preservation, protection, and promotion of the historic region.
For tickets and information contact
State-of-the-art system installed
The obstetrics department at West Virginia University Hospitals- East Jefferson Memorial Hospital recently installed a state-of-the-art infant armband security system.
According to Sandy Martin, OB nurse manager, installation began in 2009 and the final phase of the project was completed this month. Now that the infant security system is operational, visitor and patients must be buzzed into the department to gain access. Additionally, all newborns now receive highly sensitive arm or leg bands to monitor their location on the unit.
“At Jefferson Memorial Hospital”, we continue to look at ways to improve service for the community and this long-awaited infant security system is another example of this effort,” Martin said in a release. “We know that large hospitals already have these systems in place and we want our patients to feel the same sense of security in our small hospital that they would feel in a larger institution.”
Reform forum set for Nov. 5
The impact of health care reform will be the topic of the Eastern Panhandle Health and Human Services Collaborative on Friday Nov. 5th. Sarah Dash, senior legislative assistant to Sen. Jay Rockefeller will share details about how health care reform will impact service delivery. She will also be answering questions from the floor.
The meeting will take place 9 -11 a.m. at the Berkeley County DHHR offices on Mid Atlantic Parkway in Martinsburg. Doors open at 8:30, refreshments provided. Public is invited.
Steve Warner to perform
SUMMIT POINT Steve Warner, from Shepherdstown, will lead the quartet the Rollling Coyotes in a free concert hosted by South Jefferson Public Library.
The event, taking place Nov. 6, is part of the library’s free concert series. The Rolling Coyotes offer a blend of folk, country, pop and roots music accompanied by unique instrumentation.
Warner who plays guitar, ukulele and harmonica and his group perform original songs with unexpected twists.
The concert at the Summit Point Library will begin at 4 p.m.
For more information about the group, visit
series. The Rolling Coyotes offer a blend of folk, country, pop and roots music accompanied by unique instrumentation.
Series of free workshops set
The West Virginia Division of Culture and History’s State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) will present a series of free workshops across the state exploring preservation in the community. Registration is required and lunch will be provided. Members of historic landmark commissions, government officials and the general public are encouraged to attend.
Susan Pierce, deputy state historic preservation officer said the “Historic landmark commissions provide leadership in their communities to help educate the public about historic resources and advocate for their protection.”
The Raleigh County and Beckley Historic Landmark Commissions will co-host the first workshop on Sat. Nov. 13 from 9 to 4:30 p.m. at Soldier’s and Sailors Memorial Theatre in Beckley. To register call 304-575-8562.
The second workshop will be co-hosted by the City of Romney – Historic Landmark Commission, on Sat. Nov. 20 from 9 to 4:30 p.m. at the Hampshire County Library, 153 Main St. Romney 304-822-5118.
Volunteers are being sought to host the third session. For more information call 304-558-0240 or e-mail
For more information about the division’s programs visit the website at
State receives helpful grants
WASHINGTON West Virginia will receive $488,958 to support two therapeutic projects.
Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius joined with NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins today to announce the recipients of the $1 billion in new therapeutic discovery project credits and grants created by the Affordable Care Act. This program will help nearly 3,000 small biotechnology companies in nearly every state in the country produce new and cost-saving therapies, support good jobs and increase U.S. competitiveness.
A total of 2,923 companies specializing in biotechnology and medical research in 47 states and the District of Columbia received awards under the therapeutic discovery project program created by the Affordable Care Act. In all, 4,606 applications from these nearly 3,000 companies were awarded funding.
The therapeutic discovery project program is targeted to projects that show significant potential to produce new therapies, address unmet medical needs, reduce the long-term growth of health care costs, or advance the goal of curing cancer within the next 30 years. The allocation of the credit also reflects which projects show the greatest potential to create and sustain high-quality, high-paying jobs in the United States and to advance our competitiveness in the fields of life, biological, and medical sciences. Today, the biotechnology industry employs 1.3 million workers, and the industry continues to be a key growth engine for our economy.
The credit covers up to 50 percent of the cost of qualifying biomedical research and is only available to firms with fewer than 250 employees. To provide an immediate boost to U.S. biomedical research and the small businesses that conduct it, the credit is effective for investments made in 2009 and 2010. Firms could opt to receive a grant instead of a tax credit, so start-ups that are not yet profitable can benefit as well.
Hall to host Rumsey Radio
The Shepherdstown Radio Company will host the Rumsey Radio House live on Nov. 20 and 21.
The event, taking place at Reynolds Hall, will take place at 8 p.m. Nov. 20 and 6 p.m. Nov. 21. Tickets are $10 at the door or in advance. Advance sales are happening at the Bavarian Inn, Dickinson and Wait Craft Gallery and D’Accord Boutique.
The radio hour is sponsored by HBP Inc. out of Hagerstown.
For more information, call 304-876-2786 or visit the website at or
Free market
set on Nov. 27
The next Really Really Free Market will commence at McMurran Hall, located in the heart of Shepherdstown right in front of the big clock tower on German Street, Nov. 27 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Nov. 28 from 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.
The market is sponsored by the Shepherd Student Environmental Action Coalition.
For more information, contact Robby Glenn at 304-839-9317 or email him at
Presentations to be hosted
SUMMIT POINT – Between September 2009 and June 2010, the Jefferson County Historical Society, the Men’s Club of Shepherdstown and the Historic Shepherdstown Commission hosted a series of presentations by local experts on aspects of Jefferson County History. The series attracted large audiences to the Men’s Club and encouraged the Society to work with other historically minded organizations to develop a series of similar historic presentations for Charles Town, Harpers Ferry and Ranson, while continuing its partnership with the Shepherdstown folks.
On Nov. 15 the Society and the Harpers Ferry Foundation will host historian and Harpers Ferry Mayor James Addy’s presentation “Mayor Fontaine Beckham of Harpers Ferry: The Forgotten Casualty of the John Brown Raid.” Mayor Addy’s presentation is free and open to the public and will begin at 7 p.m. at the Camp Hill Methodist Church, 601 W. Washington Street in Harpers Ferry. The presentation will be preceded at 6 p.m. by a public reception at the church.
Mayor Addy earned his B.S. in Education at Towson University, an M.A. in History at Loyola University and his Ph.D. in African American Studies at George Washington University. For many years he was a teacher and assistant principal in the Baltimore City Public Schools, where he also held the position of Maryland Supervisor of Social Studies and was an educational advisor to the Maryland Bicentennial Commission. Addy has been Mayor of Harpers Ferry since 2001 and is a professor of social studies at Bowie State University in Maryland where he teaches courses in American history. Addy and his wife Elsie live in Harpers Ferry and have three children and two grandchildren.
Mayor Addy will describe Harpers Ferry as it was in 1859 when John Brown and his followers sought to seize the Federal arsenal and armory by force in order to begin a slave revolt. The Mayor will introduce a number of characters who played pivotal roles during the night of Oct. 16, including Mayor Fontaine Beckham, who lost his life during the siege. He will continue with a description of the trial and execution of the raiders in Charles Town and reflect on the impacts of the raid and Beckham’s death on the town. He will also compare the ideals of Fontaine Beckham and John Brown and let you in on the surprising legacy of the forgotten casualty of the John Brown Raid.
For more information about the presentation, contact Curt Mason at To learn more about the Harpers Ferry Historic Town Foundation and the Historical Society, please visit their websites at and