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Veterans Honored in Charles Town

By Staff | Nov 12, 2010

A cadet from the Jefferson High School’s Air Force ROTC program plays taps and the conclusion of the service.

CHARLES TOWN – On the eleventh month, on the eleventh day at the eleventh hour in 1918, World War I came to an end. Today we celebrate that day as Veterans Day.

At 11 a.m. yesterday a service was held to honor veterans of foreign wars in Charles Town. A Veterans Day Service was held at the War Memorial in War Memorial Park. Dennis Kelly of the American Legion Post 71 offered the invocation.

The Presentation of Colors was conducted by the Harpers Ferry-Bolivar Veterans Color Guard. The Charles Town Middle School choir sang the National Anthem.

Del. John Doyle of Shepherdstown, who represents the 57th District in the State Legislature, was the guest speaker.

Doyle is a veteran of Vietnam. He was in the U.S. Army and was a rifle platoon leader. Doyle received the Bronze Star for Heroism and the Combat Infantry Badge.

Del. John Doyle Speaks to veterans and family members at the Veterans Day Service in Charles Town.

“I am greatly honored to have been an American soldier,” he said.

Doyle went on to speak of the sacrifices of those who have served.

“When you volunteer to serve your country, you are sacrificing a lot. This includes giving your life for your country,” Doyle said.

American Legion Post 71 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3522 representatives laid two wreaths at the memorial. Two cadets from the Jefferson High School ROTC ended the ceremony by playing taps.