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Calendar of Events for Dec. 17

By Staff | Dec 17, 2010


The LostDogCoffee will feature artist Trent Griffin’s new series of paintings in its gallery space. The name of the presentation is “A Different Perspective,” which features acrylics on canvas.

DEC. 18

The Shepherdstown Men’s Club will hold the final session of its Christmas Bazaar in the War Memorial Building from 10 a.m.to 4 p.m. Both floors will be filled with vendors exhibiting their hand crafted items and a wide selection of Christmas gifts. Captain Benders will again be serving hot food and drinks from the upstairs kitchen. Most of the vendors have scrambled all week to freshen up their displays and expand their displays in response to suggestions from the many visitors. The War Memorial Building is on German Street next to the library in Shepherdstown.

DEC. 19

KEARNEYSVILLE The Blue Ridge Backers of Martinsburg, a local club for Buffalo Bill fans, will hold its annual Christmas party at 12:30 p.m. at the Brass Ring Pub. The event will have a gift exchange and giveaways. Bring a gift to get a gift. For more information, call Joe Sappelt at 304-261-1378 or email mandj2697@aol.com.

DEC. 20

MARTINSBURG – The Martinsburg VA Medical Center will host Operation Holiday Cheer, a holiday event for hospitalized Veterans, from 10 a.m. To noon. To share the spirit of the season, interns from the VA Acquisition Academy (VAAA) will play games and visit with patients along with an active duty soldier and a canine therapy dog.

DEC. 21

Shepherdstown Elementary School Chorus and Tone Chimes will be on the steps of McMurran Hall caroling starting at 9:40 a.m. Then students will make their way over to Jefferson Security Bank on Washington Street and sing carols there.

DEC. 24

LEETOWN The Leetown United Methodist Church, 11133 Leetown Rd., will host a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7 p.m. The community is invited to attend. For more information, call 304-725-8304.


SHARPSBURG, Md. – The Hagerstown Railroad Museum at Antietam Station is open every Sunday from 1 until 5 p.m. Admission is $2 for adults, and children 13 and younger get in free. For more information, call 301-824-2239 or visit www.antietamstation.com.

DEC. 27

The American Red Cross will be at the Shepherdstown Fire Department hall from 2 until 7 p.m. collecting blood. Sign up online at www.redcrossblood.org. For information about giving blood or to find other locations near you, call the regional headquarters at 814-262-2000.


CHARLES TOWN The St. James Catholic Church will host a Financial Peace University class on Saturday evenings. The class begins Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. in the parish library. FPU will show individuals how to manage money with confidence, establish and emergency fund, get out of debt, build wealth and completely change family trees. For more information or to register, call 304-725-5558.


Spay Today is this area’s low cost, non-profit program for spaying and neutering cats and dogs. At the time of surgery, initial tests and shots can be obtained at lower rates. To find a participating vet near you, visit www.baacs.org or call 304-728-8330.


A new yoga class, Yoga for Girlz ages 10-14, will help empower young girls to develop a healthier sense of self, better body awareness, and improved wellness. Learn tips for reducing stress and fluid yoga movements with fun music. Instructor Siri McDonald brings experience teaching relaxation and life skills from her day job as a licensed counselor working with youth. She has also been practicing yoga for 10 years and loves to share her passion for movement with people of all ages. McDonald is currently completing Prana Flow yoga teaching certification at Ananda Shala in Frederick, Md. The classes will take place at Harmony Healing Arts Center, 207 East New St., Shepherdstown. Class is Dec. 26. Suggested donation: $10 per class. For more information, contact McDonald, LPC, at 703-554-3914 or email vitalearth@gmail.com.

DEC. 21

Free Event: Winter Solstice Crystal Bowl Concert, 12 to 1 p.m. Harmony Healing Arts Center will feature a sound meditation using seven quartz crystal bowls, an energetic vibration to recognize the winter solstice. Performed by Ann Craig at Harmony, 207 E. New St., Shepherdstown. More info at www.ssyoga.org (click on “free events”), or call 304-283-6188 or 304-876-6918. No registration necessary.

DEC. 24

Free Yoga Class to Celebrate Christmas Eve, 9 to 10:30 a.m. Take some time to connect inwardly and reflect on the true spirit of the season with yoga instructor JiJi Beckett. A free all-levels yoga class at Harmony Healing Arts Center, 207 E. New St., Shepherdstown. More info at www.ssyoga.org (click on “free events”), or call 304-283-6188 or 304-876-6918. No registration necessary.


Hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday; (closed Fridays); 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays.

Outreach: The Shepherdstown Public Library will supply books and/or audio recordings to those who cannot get to the library. Access to the Library of Congress talking books and large print books are also available to those who qualify. Call 304-876-2783 to make arrangements.

Library Board: For meeting dates and times, call 304-876-2783. The public is welcome to attend. Look for Friends of Shepherdstown Library on Facebook and become a friend!

The Shepherdstown Public Library will close at 1 p.m. on Dec. 23 and reopen on Monday, Jan. 3. Happy holidays: no fines will be charged for overdue items returned while the library is closed! For more information, please call the Library at 304-876-2783.

Registration for the library’s popular free programs for infants through age 12 will run from Jan. 10 through 15, and programs will resume the week of Jan.17. Email splchild@martin.lib.wv.us or call 304-876-2783 for more information.


Town Hall will be closed on Friday, Dec. 24 and Friday, Dec. 31 in observance of the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays. Trash and recycling collection will be on schedule.

– From staff reports