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Shepherdstown film society schedule set

By Staff | Jan 7, 2011

The Shepherdstown Film Society is pleased to announce its Spring 2011 series.

This season continues the partnership with the Scarborough Society of Shepherd University. This partnership gives the Shepherdstown Film Society the financial support it needs to maintain its commitment to show free films for Shepherd students and faculty, and the Shepherdstown community. Six films will be presented, starting on Jan. 28 and running through April 1.

All films will be shown on Fridays. All showings are at 7 p.m. in Shepherd University’s Reynolds Hall. As with all the Society’s films, admission will be free and each showing will be followed by a discussion. An opening night reception at The Shepherdstown Men’s Club will kick off the series from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 28.

More information on each film can be found on the Society’s website at www.shepherdstownfilmsociety.org.

The film schedule will be as follows:

Jan. 28: “Diner”

Feb. 11: “Good Hair” – This is a special presentation in conjunction with Shepherd University’s Common Reading and Black History Month programs and co-sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs.

Feb. 18: “Serial Mom”

March 11: “And God Created Woman”

March 25: “Belle de jour” – The post-film discussion will be led by Rachel Ritterbusch, associate professor of English and Modern Languages at Shepherd University.

April 1: “Marty” – This is a special presentation in conjunction with Shepherd University’s Common Reading program. The post-film discussion will be led by Kathleen Corpus, visiting assistant professor of Business Administration at Shepherd.

For further information about the Society and its films, visit their website or contact Lisa Welch at 304-876-1837 (email lwelch@frontiernet.net) or Mina Goodrich at 304-876-2159 (email larrymina@aol.com).