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Earth Day celebration set

By Staff | Feb 4, 2011

Planning is already underway to hold the 3rd Annual Panhandle Earth Day Celebration from noon until 9 p.m. on April 23rd at Morgan’s Grove Park.

Activities under development include live music, fine art, crafts, food, children’s entertainment, demonstrations and informational displays by conservation groups, a wide variety of vendors, a farmers market and more.

“Every effort is being made to make it an enjoyable family-friendly, community-oriented event,” said Earth Vibe Spokesman Stephanie Unger in a press release.

“We already have a great list of musical talent signed up for this year including: The Woodshedders, Herb & Hanson, Andrew McKnight, Ginada Pinata, Stoney Creek, Lucas & the Lovelies, Aca-Perco, Willie Barry, Betty Jo & Scott Rockwell, and Tucker Riggleman,” said Matt Robinson, also a member of the Earth Vibe team, in a release.

Participating groups include the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Sustainable Shepherdstown, Potomac Appalachian Trail Club and CraftWorks.

Admission will be $10 per car. It will be free to those on bike or foot.

The Panhandle Earth Day Celebration for the first time this year will be a joint production of Earth Vibe Productions and Events in partnership with the Shepherdstown Men’s Club.

“We were so impressed with what these young people have accomplished over the past two years in developing this Earth Day event that we decided to join them,” said SMC President Mike Austin in a release. “I can’t think of a better way to encourage more use of this wonderful facility.”

A small portion of the proceeds will be used to help maintain the park.

To donate your time or money to help with this event, please visit www.earthvibeproductions.com, email mail@earthvibeproductions.com or call Unger at 304-702-2620.