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Shepherd presents Bernstein musical

By Staff | Feb 4, 2011

Shepherd University will present Leonard Bernstein’s musical comedy adventure “Candide” Feb. 4, 5, 11 and 12 at 8 p.m. and Feb. 6 and 13 at 3 p.m. at the Frank Arts Center Theater.

“Candide” is an operetta with music composed by Bernstein, based on the novella by Voltaire.

This National Theatre version is presented through special arrangement with Musical Theatre International. Lyrics are by Richard Wilbur, with additional lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, John Latouche, Lillian Helman, Dorothy Parker and Bernstein.

The SU production is directed and choreographed by Richard Helldobler, with musical direction by Erik Reid Jones. The live orchestra will be conducted by D. Mark McCoy

Admission and seating for “Candide” is on a first-come, first-serve basis and advance sales are not available.

The box office will open one hour prior to each performance. General admission is $15; $10 for faculty, staff and students 18 and under; and free for Shepherd students with Rambler ID and Friends of Music Gold and Silver MAC Cardholders. For more information call 304-876-5555 or visit www.shepherd.edu/musicweb.

Museum awarded prizes to students

On Jan. 22, the Historic Shepherdstown Museum awarded prizes to the winners of the Museum’s Story-Writing Contest in a ceremony at the Entler Hotel.

First Prize went to Elizabeth Buscher, an eighth grader at Morgan Academy; second to Mallory Snyder, a sixth grader at Shepherdstown Middle School; and third to Evanthea Hammer, an eighth grader at Morgan Academy.

The students had submitted stories on the topic, “Shepherdstown in the 1860s,” along with 27 other students from local schools. A panel of judges made the selections.

“These students did a wonderful job on a topic that required some real research and imaginative writing,” said John Griffith, president of Historic Shepherdstown, in a press release. “We were very pleased to reward their efforts.”

Along with monetary prizes of $150, $75 and $50, the students received certificates and copies of “See Shepherdstown III,” which tells the town’s story in text and pictures.

Teachers Bernadine Somers, Morgan Academy, and Stephanie Unger, Shepherdstown Middle School, were also recognized at the ceremony for their support of their students. Griffith noted that Historic Shepherdstown was grateful to all the teachers and parents who encouraged the students to participate and to all the students who took the time to write them.

Watercolor, painting classes to be held

CHARLES TOWN – Washington Street Gallery & Gift is offering a variety of classes in the next few months. They include Introduction to Oil Painting taught by Patricia Perry and Transparent Watercolor taught by Michalyn Tarantino, both of which begin on Feb. 15.

“For those interested in classes that tend more toward fine crafts, the gallery is proud to offer several taught by members of the Heritage Craft Center of the Eastern Panhandle, who also are associates at Washington Street Gallery,” said gallery owner Susan Ford Pritchard in a release.

These include Beginning Woodcarving taught by Nancy Streeter, Birdhouse Basketmaking taught by Kathy McClung and Twined Rag Rugs and Gorgeous Gourds, both taught by Judy Jeffares.

For more information, consult www.WStreetGallery.com or www.heritagecraftcenter.org; email classwashing ton@aol.com or call the gallery at 304-724-2090 or Heritage Craft Center at 304-264-9440.

Lodge loans rare

apron to Mt. Vernon

Several new exhibits will be on display at Mt. Vernon starting Feb. 19.

One of them will feature a local historic artifact on loan to Mt. Vernon from the brethren of Mt. Nebo Lodge #91, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Shepherdstown.

They have loaned a ceremonial masonic apron to the curator of Mt. Vernon.

This masonic apron was made in France and is believed to have been presented to George Washington at Mt. Vernon in 1784 by the Marquis de Lafayette, a former general and close personal friend of Washington’s who was also a Freemason.

The apron features compasses and square-central Masonic symbols, together with crossed flags of the United States and France. These are embroidered in silk and gold and silver wrapped threads with metallic sequins.

Washington would have worn this apron when attending masonic meetings, and Freemasons still wear similar aprons when they meet today.

After Martha Washington died, her niece’s husband bought it for $6. He gave it to the Mt. Nebo Lodge prior to his death in 1820.

In 1844 it was on display for a short time at the Jefferson County Courthouse. It was worn by the Masonic Grand Master at the cornerstone ceremony of the Washington Monument on July 4, 1848.

“George Washington was a very active member of the Mason organization,” said Ed Calhoun, member of Mt. Nebo Lodge in a press release.

For more than 100 years this treasured apron was only on display within the lodge. The members decided that it was a national treasure and loaned it to Mt. Vernon.

“In commemoration of the bicentennial year of the Mt. Nebo Lodge #91 in 2011, we are pleased to loan this national treasure to Mount Vernon,” said George Alwin, current Master of the Lodge, in a release.