Next week’s ‘Transition Talk’ to feature six speakers
Sustainable Shepherdstown will be presenting a forum entitled “Transition Talk: Moving Our Town Towards a Sustainable Future.” The event will take place on Friday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Byrd Center for Legislative Studies at Shepherd University.
The purpose of the forum is to bring together existing groups, businesses and community members to discuss how to strengthen the local economy and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels in the face of oil depletion, global warming and economic uncertainty.
Six speakers are scheduled to present information about their activities.
Karen Valentine is the owner of Source, a recycling center as well as a green business that features locally made products. Valentine is also co-host of Green Drinks of the Eastern Panhandle.
Laurel Parker is a co-founder of Source who has also been a developer and mentor for the Shepherdstown Elementary School’s Roots to Shoots garden education program.
Peter Corum is an entrepreneur and advocate of meeting our community’s needs with local solutions. His current projects include the Morgan’s Grove Market and community garden.
Jeff Feldman runs GreenPath Consulting, a green building consulting firm. He consults, writes and speaks on environmental topics.
Randy Swartz is owner of Home efficiency Solutions. He is a home energy specialist.
Colin Williams is director of operations for Mountain View Solar and Wind, based in Berkeley Springs, which has been involved in training unemployed contractors in coal areas of West Virginia’s to install solar systems.
Afterwards, attendees will also have the opportunity to talk about their needs and ideas with others.
For more information, visit or contact Ellen at 304- 876-1505 or Ruth at 304-876-6967.