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Didgeridoo concert on tap

By Staff | Mar 4, 2011

(Submitted photo) Margaret and Joe Gentile perform at an October 2010 performance at National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C. They will be in Shepherdstown March 5 at Harmony Healing Arts Center.

On March 5, Harmony Healing Arts Center will present a Healing Didgeridoo Concert from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The event will include a free introduction to the didgeridoo, including shamanic journey for healing “dis-ease” of spirit, plus a coherence exercise intended to effect positive changes in one’s life.

Instructor Joe Gentile is well known in the Washington, D.C., area as a master with the didgeridoo and its spiritual realm. His wife, Margaret, joins him with her crystal bowls in the concert portion of this special program. No registration necessary.

Also that day, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., Harmony will host a Didgeridoo Workshop. Participants can re-register to learn how to play the didgeridoo from Joe, who will give practice didges to each person to keep.

Space is limited for the one-hour instructional event, so please register by sending contact information and $25 check (suggested donation; check made out to “Joe Gentile”) to SS Yoga, P.O. Box 1457, Shepherdstown, WV 25443.

All money collected goes to Joe’s “loving kindness” work. Both workshops at Harmony Healing Arts Center, 207 E. New St., Shepherdstown. Arrive early to find parking and assure space in class.

More info at www.ssyoga.org (click on “Free Events”), or call 304-283-6188 or 304-876-6918.