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Snyder named state professor of year

By Staff | Mar 4, 2011

Ed Snyder, chair of the Institute of Environmental and Physical Sciences and professor of environmental studies at Shepherd University, was named the West Virginia Professor of the Year by the Faculty Merit Foundation of West Virginia at a ceremony held at the state Culture Center in Charleston on March 1.

Snyder, a member of Shepherd’s faculty since 1986, led efforts to develop the environmental studies program at Shepherd in 1994 and expand the program to a major in 1997.

He has served on the Shepherd Honors Program committee since its inception in 1991 and has served as a faculty member with the Washington Gateway Academy, Shepherd’s weeklong pre-college summer program for middle schoolers, since 1991.

Snyder serves as chair of the West Virginia Environmental Quality Board, which examines issues associated with statewide water quality.

Each year, the Faculty Merit Foundation honors an outstanding faculty member at a West Virginia college or university. The award winner receives a $10,000 cash prize. Smaller awards are given to four other finalists.

United Bank provides financial support for the Professor of the Year Award. The Faculty Merit Foundation is affiliated with the West Virginia Humanities Council.

Snyder joins four other Shepherd faculty members who have been honored by the Faculty Merit Foundation – Sylvia Shurbutt and Linda Tate, who were winners of the Outstanding Professor of the Year award in 2006 and 2004, and Scott Beard and Jerry Thomas, finalists in 2009 and 2007.

Resident named to dean’s list

WOOSTER, Ohio – Alison Hornbeck, a graduate of Jefferson High School, has been named to the dean’s list for the fall semester at The College of Wooster. Hornbeck, a senior English major from Shepherdstown, achieved a grade point average of 3.65 or above.

The College of Wooster is an independent liberal arts college, nationally recognized for an innovative curriculum that emphasizes mentored, independent research. Each Wooster senior works one-on-one with a faculty advisor to create an original research project, written work, performance or art exhibit. Founded in 1866, the college enrolls approximately 1,800 students.

Circle of Hope ready to help

KEARNEYSVILLE -Hospice of the Panhandle offers grief support groups in Berkeley and Jefferson counties for those struggling with the loss of a loved one.

Circle of Hope is a six-week support program for those wishing to learn more about grief and share with others who have experienced a death.

Each session includes a short presentation and discussion. Topics include grief and mourning, how loss affects people, gender differences in dealing with grief, signs of grief, looking to the future and more.

A circle is being offered in Jefferson County on Mondays, March 7 through April 18 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Jefferson County Hospice office located at 73 Edmond Road, Suite 3, in Kearneysville.

While all grief support programs are free of charge, preregistration is required.

For more information or to register, call Daniel at 304-264-3902 or email dspeis@hospiceotp.org.

Resident qualifies for PGA?event

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – David Bradshaw, of Harpers Ferry, qualified for the 2011 Honda Classic PGA TOUR event.

The five-time West Virginia Open Champion shot a five-under-par 66 on the 6,906-yard course at Mayacoo Lakes Country Club today, tying for second place in the qualifier.

The annual Honda Classic, which begins the PGA TOUR’s “Florida Swing” of tournaments, began March 3 at the PGA National Champion Course in Palm Beach Gardens and will have a $5.7 million purse.

Bradshaw, who has won five West Virginia Open Championships, falls second to the late, great Sam Snead for the most Open wins in the tournament’s history, with the PGA TOUR legend winning 17. Bradshaw has won five out of the last seven West Virginia Opens and hopes to add another victory to his long list of accomplishments this summer at The Pines Country Club in Morgantown, June 22 through 24.

The Honda Classic’s week-long festivities began earlier this week with the Monday Pro-Am. The final round will be on Sunday. The Honda Classic will be aired on the Golf Channel and NBC.

For more information on Bradshaw and the West Virginia Open, visit www.wvga.org.

Shepherd coaches reprimanded

INDIANAPOLIS – The NCAA Division II Football Committee has reprimanded Shepherd University defensive coordinator and assistant football coach Bob Haley, head football coach Monte Cater and director of athletics B.J. Pumroy for misconduct during the 2010 NCAA Division II Football Championship.

Haley was seen chewing and spitting tobacco on the sidelines on national television during the semifinal game against Delta State University.

NCAA rules prohibit the use of tobacco products by all game personnel in all sports during practice and competition. Additionally, allegations of team coaches and/or personnel using smokeless tobacco were raised to the committee the week prior to the incident, whereupon Cater and Pumroy were notified of the allegations and asked to immediately address the matter with the team. With both Cater and Pumroy put on notice about an alleged tobacco violation just days prior to the semifinal game, the committee found all three guilty of misconduct for failing to ensure compliance with the tobacco rule.

As a result of this public reprimand, Shepherd will not receive payment of the Association’s travel guarantee for all three individuals related to their participation in the semifinal game in Cleveland, Miss. Shepherd also won’t be reimbursed for travel expenses related to the three individuals, equating to an aggregate $600 financial penalty.

Development of project stopped

CHARLESTON – On May 15, 2009, the PATH West Virginia Transmission Company, LLC; the PATH Allegheny Transmission Company, LLC; the PATH-WV Land Acquisition Company; and the PATH-Allegheny Land Acquisition Company (all four, collectively, Joint Applicants) filed an application to construct approximately 225 miles of 765-kV electric transmission line and related facilities in fourteen West Virginia counties – including Jefferson.

On Feb. 28 the Joint Applicants filed a Motion to Withdraw the May 2009 Joint Application without prejudice. The Joint Applicants asserted that the Board of Managers of PJM Interconnection, LLC, has determined that the project sponsors should discontinue the development of the project because of the current uncertainty as to when the line was needed. PJM intends to conduct future studies of the need for the project.

The Joint Applicants stated that withdrawing the Joint Application is in the public interest.

More information, including a copy of the Joint Applicant’s motion to withdraw and the Commission Order may be obtained by accessing the Commission’s website and reference Case Number 09-0770-E-CN.