Home school event to feature experts
The Eastern Panhandle Home School Conference (EPHSC) on March 26, will feature experts and workshops relating to being an effective educator for children with special needs.
The EPHSC will offer a variety of workshops on special needs schooling and kids, including “Movers, Shakers and Denim Cloth Haters: Sensory Kids”; “Special Needs Homeschooling; Yes You Can!”; and “Helping Your Child with Auditory Processing Difficulties.” Attend the conference, and have the opportunity to visit with our Special Needs Experts regarding your child’s specific challenges.
The EPHSC is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday at Covenant Church in Shepherdstown. It’s $25 for workshops, national exhibitors, local vendors, access to a used curriculum sale and a catered lunch. Visit the website to register at www.ephsc.org. Members of WVHEA receive a $5 discount off the full registration cost. If you would like more information, please contact Donna Bent at 304-876-8535 or dcbent@frontiernet.net or Stephanie Spencer at 304 725-8590 or saspencer@frontiernet.net
– From staff reports