Jefferson County March of Dimes set for May 7
Each year, in West Virginia, 3,052 babies are born prematurely, and 148 babies die before their first birthday. Working to help change these statistics are local residents. By raising awareness and funds through the March of Dimes largest event, March for Babies, local supporters are helping improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
March for Babies – the nation’s premier walking event – is held in 900 communities across the United States and involves more than 7 million people each year. The Eastern Panhandle expects to raise $112,000 with the help of 400 people walking in support of healthy babies.
The Jefferson County March of Babies will be held Saturday, May 7, with registration beginning at 9 a.m. and the three-mile walk beginning at 10 a.m., at Morgan Grove Park in Shepherdstown.
Eastern Panhandle residents are encouraged to sign up for March for Babies and create a team with their family, friends or colleagues at or by calling 304-263-2003. Additional volunteer and sponsorship opportunities are also available.
In addition to supporting medical research, the funds raised through March for Babies are distributed to local community organizations working to improve the health of mothers and babies. Locally, the Shenandoah Valley Medical Center received a grant to update their Childbirth Education Curriculum and the West Virginia University Friends of the Neonatal intensive care unit received funding for education materials for the NICU Parent Lounge.
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– From staff reports