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Community Garden set at Morgan Grove

By Staff | Mar 25, 2011

The Sustainable Shepherdstown Community Garden is starting to take shape. It will be located next to Morgan’s Grove Park. The land has been provided by Peter Corum, from the Morgan’s Grove Market. We are starting with a 100 feet by 100 feet area. Composted chicken manure has been delivered. We are planning to have the garden tilled Saturday, March 26. The fence should be in shortly after that.

Every community garden needs a garden workgroup. The first meeting of the working group is planned for Sunday, March 27 at the home of Ellen Smith. Email info@sustainableshepherdstown.org for details and directions or call Ellen at 304-876-1505.

If you can’t make the meeting, no problem, just let us know if you would like a plot, ($20 for a 10-feet by 10-feet space) and we will add you to the list.

We are also looking forward to being a part of 350 Home & Garden Challenge. On a single weekend, May 14 & 15, thousands of landscapes and homes will be transformed, retrofitted and revitalized as part of the 350 Home & Garden Challenge. Thousands of us will take to the streets, the garden, schoolyard, home, apartment and city hall to take actions big and small. We will grow food, conserve water, save energy and build community. Amidst a dizzying array of crises and mounting despair, together we will bring the hope of transition and show what we are capable of with our heads, hearts and hands aligned in action. It’s time for action, rooted in a shared vision and voice. Further info: info@sustainableshepherdstown. org or transitionus.org/action/350-challenge