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‘Left of the Bank’ music, poetry event to be held April 8

By Staff | Mar 25, 2011

The Friends of the Shepherdstown Library will hold their seventh annual “Left of the Bank” music and poetry evening April 8.

All the event’s proceeds will fund programs at the Library.

“Left of the Bank” will feature local musicians and poets, showcasing their talents in a setting that recreates the atmosphere of an intimate 1930s to 1960s urban coffee house.

Coffee, tea and wine will be served, along with tempting desserts and tantalizing appetizers.

The event will take place at “Casa Carlos e Isabel,” the home of Carlos Niederhauser and Liz Wheeler, at 202 S. Princess St. (the old school-bus garage building with the purple roof). Doors will open at 7 p.m. The program will start at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets to the benefit will cost $35. Contributions over and above that amount will be welcome to provide additional support for the library. Anyone giving $100 or more will be listed as a program sponsor.

The tickets will be available at the library.

For more information contact Edwinna Bernat by telephone at 304-876-8444 or by email at edwinnab@citlink.net.

– From staff reports