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Organization raises more than $7K at Potter’s Bowl

By Staff | Apr 15, 2011

Good Shepherd Caregivers raised over $7,400 at its 11th Annual Potter’s Bowl on March 4 when more than 200 supporters filled the Shepherdstown Fire Hall.

Participants selected their own hand-crafted pottery bowl to keep and enjoyed a selection of 18 soups donated by area restaurants and individuals, along with breads, desserts, wine and coffee.

Throughout the evening, many placed bids in our silent and live auctions, which included fine works of art and craft, as well as gift certificates. With assistance by several board members, auctioneer Floyd Spates conducted the live auction, concluding the event.

This fundraiser is always a particular favorite of many, and this year’s was no exception – attendance increased 34 percent from last year.

It was the most successful ever due to the generous support from community members and many donors – local potters, fine crafters, restaurants, businesses and volunteers.

Proceeds help strengthen our efforts to provide volunteer caregiving to home-based older and disabled residents in Jefferson County.

Mark your calendars now for our next Potter’s Bowl on March 9, 2012.