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Local DAR chapter hosts workshop

By Staff | May 19, 2011

Betty Ann Lowe is presented with a dedicated service award by Regent Cheryl Brown at the Pack Horse Ford Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution genealogy workshop in Martinsburg at the beginning of the month. (Submitted photo)

During Martinsburg’s Heritage Day, the Pack Horse Ford Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution held a free genealogy workshop at the Apollo Civic Theater on Saturday, May 7. Co-sponsor for the event was the Berkeley County Historical Society.

After the chapter’s opening ritual, several cast members of the play “1776” performed two musical skits. Four certificates were given away, each bearing two free passes to see the production of “1776” during the weekends from Friday, May 13 through Sunday, May 22.

Chapter member Cindy Nicewarner gave the presentation “Genealogy on the Internet” to about 50 individuals in attendance. A staff genealogist at NSDAR headquarters in Washington, D.C., Nicewarner teaches genealogy workshop courses regularly throughout the United States to members of NSDAR. Her advice when researching ancestors included trying several ways to spell first and last names since names can be found spelled in many different ways. When keeping genealogy records, Nicewarner suggested bookmarking references of specific book titles and recording book and page numbers of where references to ancestors were found. A research handout was distributed.

President of the Berkeley County Historical Society, Todd Funkhouser, was introduced to the audience. Funkhouser and Pack Horse Ford Chapter Regent Cheryl Brown presented donations to the Apollo Civic Theater on behalf of their organizations.

In recognition of Betty Ann Lowe’s many years of dedicated service as Pack Horse Ford Chapter member and past Registrar, she received a 25-year membership certificate.

If you would like information about joining the Pack Horse Ford Chapter, contact Regent Cheryl Brown at 304-876-3817 or Registrar Dorrene Hale at 304-725-6140.